Page 88 of The Way We Touch
“Sounds serious.” Lainey’s gaze goes from Dylan to me. “How did you meet from so far away?”
“Brought him home this summer to meet the fam,” Garrett quips. “And Dylan nailed him with a ghost pepper!”
“Garrett!” Dylan punches him in the upper arm then shakes her hand. “Ow!”
“It’s a slab of granite.” He flexes his bicep, grinning.
“You okay?” I take Dylan’s hand in mine and gently massage it.
“Yes.” She shakes her head. “It’s really nice to meet you, Lainey. I don’t know what you’re doing with my two-headed brother.”
“She’s only met the one head so far.” Garrett is on a roll.
“Garrett.” This time Dylan only pushes his arm. He doesn’t move. “What would Mamma say?”
“She tried.” He laughs, elbowing my chest.
Lainey rolls her eyes at him then blinks to me. “What’s this about a ghost pepper?”
“It was just a silly accident.” Dylan cuts in. “Are you really a model? Have you met Anna Wintour?”
“Yes and no.” Lainey smiles, slipping her hand into the crook of Dylan’s arm. “Let’s get a drink. You seem like fun.”
“Oh… ahh…” Dylan’s eyes flash to me. “Is that okay?”
Hesitating, I’m not entirely comfortable with Lainey taking her away and giving her the third degree so she can report it all back to Natalia. At the same time, Dylan can handle herself, and I want everyone to know about her.
“Go ahead.” I give her a wink. “I’ll be right here.”
She smiles, and I watch as she walks to the bar with Lainey. She’s a curvy, delicious bundle of sexy spice wrapped in starlight, and I like Lainey a little better for being nice to her.
“I’ll take a ghost pepper to a glacier any day,” I say absently.
“Even if she melts your face off?”
“She’s melted more than my face.”
His brow furrows, and he momentarily drops the bravado. “You’re really serious about my little sister. What does that mean?”
I know what I want it to mean, but all I say is, “We’re doing our best to take it slow.”
“Doesn’t look slow to me.”
I can’t argue in view of how we’ve spent the last two nights, but he doesn’t want to hear about that. Instead, I follow him to the nearest open bar, and I wait as he orders a beer for him and a whiskey neat for me.
“What are you doing here with Lainey?” I take a sip of my drink. “You always said you hated skinny women.”
“Hate is a strong word, my friend. I needed a date for tonight, and Lainey was available.” He takes a drink. “She’s the least annoying of Natalia’s friends, but you’re right. Give me a redneck girl with a nice ass, and I’ll be a happy man.”
Assman, I chuckle to myself. “What happened to Wendy? She seemed to fit the bill.”
“Would you believe she went and got a boyfriend on me while we were down south? I swear, you can’t go out of town these days.”
I exhale a laugh. “At least you’re not here with Natalia.”
“Speak of the devil.” Garrett coughs into his sleeve.
I turn just in time to see my ex walking up with Ricky (the dick) Berke.