Page 95 of The Way We Touch
Garrett took out a cornerback making a beeline for Logan, and my gorgeous man jumped as gracefully as a gazelle, cupping the ball against his chest and falling into the end zone for the winning score.
The stadium is bananas. The Pirates are on a winning streak with zero losses so far in the season, and Logan has just logged the best numbers of his career.
Confetti rains down on the field. Garrett lifts Logan off his feet, running with him in his arms to the mob of players jogging to meet them. Logan’s helmet is off, and his smile is so big it makes me smile.
Then right there in the middle of it all, he holds up his hand, thumb and forefinger crossed, and I huff a laugh as tears spill onto my cheeks.
We’re winning every game, and all eyes are on us. There’s talk of us winning the Big Game, and we’re all buzzing with anticipation.
Ricky is chasing after me hard in the rankings, and every now and then I hear a commentator saying he’s going to catch me.
He’s not. Grizz and I are unstoppable.
I celebrate our wins briefly with the guys, but I have a one-track mind after every game. I want to see her smiling face, hear her enthusiasm, see her waving her hands while wearing my jersey, then see her sexy body come undone for me.
The guys who had high school girlfriends act like I’m trying to recapture something I lost in my youth, but I’ll tell you. If I’d had a girl like Dylan cheering for me in high school, we’d have been just like her parents. I’d have never let her slip away.
She’d have gone with me to college, to the pros. We’d have had five children—at least. Hell, I’d probably keep her pregnant. My life would be so different.
As it is now, we’re just getting a late start.
“You should’ve heard the guys when you made that final score. Even Craig was yelling his head off. I’m surprised we didn’t wake Kimmie.”
“The Peanut wasn’t watching me?” Ever since she put her little hand in mine and shared her jalapeño encounter, we’ve been tight.
“She fell asleep.” Dylan makes a disappointed face. “Kindergarten is hard work.”
“That’s okay. I understand.” I’m feeling so good right now.
She sits on her bed in my jersey, and I’m buzzing with the win and with seeing her now and thinking about how I’ll see her again in just a few more weeks.
“The sports guys say your stats are making history!”
“The sports guys?” I can’t help teasing her.
She laughs. “Whoever they are!”
I don’t bother filling in their names. “Yeah, they say that, but they’re also talking about Ricky catching up with me.”
“He won’t catch you.”
I love the confidence in her voice. I love knowing she’s there, watching every game, supporting me.
I also don’t want to spend the whole time talking about me. I want her to know I care about her career, too. “How’s it going with Mia?”
“I didn’t tell her about the possible audition. I mean, it might not happen, and I don’t want her obsessing over it like I would’ve at her age.”
“I think you made the right call.”
“Otherwise, it was pretty much the same. Some guy showed up asking a lot of questions about the restaurant and spicy food and Coyote Ugly.”
My brow lowers. “Was he trying to steal my girl?”
“No!” She falls back with a laugh. “Now that I think about it, he might be one of those undercover restaurant reviewers. I’ll have to tell Craig if we see him again to be on our best behavior.”