Page 13 of Irish Getaway
“But she’s famous.”
Rory draped the towel he was holding over his shoulder and rested both hands on the bar. “Famous.”
“As in world-famous actress.”
Rory drew in a breath as he mulled it over, and then he nodded before ringing the bell behind the bar. “Hey, listen up everybody!”
It took a few seconds for the voices to die down and then everyone was looking at Rory.
“We’ve got a celebrity coming in here, right. And there will be no attempts at getting an autograph. No photos. No staring. She just wants to enjoy a few quiet drinks. Don’t even look at her. Got it?” He looked around the room, making sure he still had everyone’s attention. “If anyone doesn’t like it, they can leave. And anyone who doesn’t listen to what I just said is barred.”
A murmur of chatter started up and then a man in his fifties spoke up. “For how long?”
Rory glared at him.
“How long will I be barred for, Rory?” he asked again.
“Jimmy, get out.”
“I was only asking,” Jimmy protested.
“And I’m only telling you. Get out.”
Claire hid a smile as the bar came to life again and people resumed their conversations as Jimmy finished his pint and left. “Thank you,” Claire said as Rory went back to work behind the bar. “You have no idea. I owe you one.”
“Not a problem, Claire.”
She went back outside, the evening sun still warm as she opened the passenger side door. “Hey,” she said with a smile. “Want to have a drink before we go back?”
Evelyn stared at her. “There’s at least a dozen cars,” she said, looking around her.
Claire wasn’t surprised by the reaction. “I know just about everyone inside. It’ll be fine.”
Evelyn took off her shades, her eyes searching Claire’s. “I don’t know.”
“I don’t want you to go home with any regrets,” Claire said, giving her a reassuring smile. “Having a drink in a local Irish pub sounds like something an American would want to tick off their list when they come here. So,” she said, holding out her hand, “Will you trust me?”
Evelyn hesitated for a moment, looking at Claire’s outstretched hand. “You think it’ll be okay?”
Claire nodded. “I promise.”
Evelyn drew in a deep breath before she slid her hand into Claire’s.
Claire reluctantly let go of Evelyn’s hand once she was standing and pushed the car door shut before leading the way to the door. Claire held it open for her, and she could feel her heart thudding wildly in her chest as she waited to see what would happen as they went inside.
But no one paid them any attention as Claire led them towards a small table tucked away in the corner of the bar, conversation continuing all around them without anyone even glancing in their direction.
Rory came right over. “What can I get you ladies?”
“I’ll have a pint of Guinness,” Claire said.
“You know what? I’ll have the same,” Evelyn said, her eyes darting from Rory to the rest of the people seated around the bar.
Claire tried to hide her smile as Evelyn looked around her, until she couldn’t any longer. “I don’t want to bruise your ego,” Claire said as Evelyn’s gaze returned to her. “So, I’ll admit that I came in and asked Rory, the bartender there, to basically tell everyone to ignore you. I still think you could have come in here with minimal fanfare, but I didn’t want to risk it. So, if anyone takes a photo of you or asks for an autograph or anything like that, they’re barred.”
Evelyn’s lips slid into a smile. “I won’t lie… I was wondering if my fame wasn’t as far-reaching as I’d assumed.”
“I’m not sure there’s worse punishment than getting barred from your local, so no one’s going to chance it.”