Page 11 of Ice
Mav chuckled, and I twisted my head to look his way.
“No witnesses, huh?”
My head cocked to the side, and I answered, “Yeah.”
“Take it you didn’t clarify that with the woman you showed up with?”
I narrowed my eyes and pierced him with an icy stare. “Your point?”
“You know we don’t allow puck or club bunnies here, so I’m assuming you found your woman.” Mav grinned widely. “Coulda sworn you said you’ve never be pussy-whipped like us.”
I wanted to deny it, but he wasn’t wrong. As much as I’d longed for a family, I never expected to be knocked on my ass by an angel and find myself completely obsessed with her. I’d only known Marnie for a few hours, but I knew I’d do anything to keep her and make her happy.
“Guess I was wrong,” I admitted since I had no defense. “I’ll be talking with Sheila tomorrow.”
She was the old lady of one of our older members, Tank. In the past, we’d ordered our cuts and property vests, only using Sheila’s sewing skills in an emergency. But after Mav and Fox fell hard and fast for their women, they’d wanted their mark on them as fast as possible—something I now understood.
Fox had followed the example of Mac, his father-in-law and the president of the Silver Saints MC. They’d been in the same position, with the patches in a rush to get a vest on their women. So Mac had taken to keeping a stash of cuts that had the property embroidery finished and only needed the names added. Which Sheila happily offered to do for us when our prez stocked up.
Mav laughed and crossed his arms over his chest. “Molly texted Sheila as soon as she heard you were bringing a woman here.”
I double blinked, confused. “How did she—never mind.” The realization hit me, and I rolled my eyes. “You assholes gossip like little old ladies.”
Fox cleared his throat, drawing our attention back to him. “Let’s get this shit done. Want to get back to my wife and kids.” His gaze swept over me, and he grimaced. “Besides, you look like shit, and I know Blade ordered you to rest if he was gonna let you out of the hospital.”
“Gossips,” I grumbled, annoyed that Blade had told the prez, knowing Fox would demand I do as the doctor said. And I didn’t want to admit that I was exhausted and in a fuck ton of pain.
“Back to the accident…”
We spent the next twenty minutes going over everything I knew about Keith and what options we had in dealing with the shady fucker.
“Now you look like death warmed over,” Maverick muttered with a frown.
“Flattery will get you nowhere with me, brother,” I deadpanned, making both men chuckle.
“Get your ass to bed, Ice,” Fox ordered. “Gonna need you when we go after this son of a bitch.”
Too tired to argue, I nodded and stood. Then I made my way toward the kitchen, intent on finding my girl and going to bed as I’d been instructed to do.
A couple of other old ladies had joined the party, and the women were all gathered around one of the large tables in the spacious kitchen. A lot of the members lived in the clubhouse, but even the single guys who had places off the compound often showed up for meals. So there was plenty of room to accommodate a good-sized crowd of people.
The girls were giggling, and a smile tugged at my lips when I heard the sweet sound of Marnie’s laughter. I liked seeing her so at ease with the other old ladies. She’d mentioned doing Molly’s and Dahlia’s hair, but I hadn’t realized they were also friends. And it seemed she’d met Elise recently and would be taking her on as a client as well.
She would fit right in with the whole group, and I was glad for it…since she would be one of them soon.
“Angel,” I murmured as I stopped beside her. “Have you eaten enough?”
“I’m full,” she replied with a smile.
Fuck, I wish that was true. I wanted her stuffed full of me. “Let’s get you settled, then I need to get some rest.”
“Your doctor is being a hard-ass, huh?” Elise teased. She was married to Blade.
“Don’t answer that.”
I glanced at the back door and saw our club doctor striding toward us, scowling. “If you mention my wife and ass in the same sentence, I’ll put you back in the hospital.”
Rolling my eyes, I cupped Marnie’s elbow. “Ready?”