Page 108 of Not in Love
Do you? Are you sure you want me around? “Where is Maya?”
“Doesn’t she have summer classes?”
He shook his head. “On break. Left early this morning.”
I’d come here because I couldn’t stand to be alone with my thoughts, but with the darkening sky, the rhythmic chopping sounds, the veggies sizzling in the pan, my mind drifted back to Florence. What she’d done. The way she rationalized her actions, as though a valid justification for her behavior existed. There had to have been a point, in my years of knowing her, in which she had expressed some kind of belief that hinted at her capacity for something like this. And I’d missed it.
“Relax.” Eli’s voice startled me. His large hands wrapped around my shoulders, thumbs digging firmly into the knots between my scapulae.
“I am relaxed.”
“I am.”
“Rue.” Something light and warm nuzzled the crown of my head. His nose, maybe. “If you’re here to avoid thinking about it, then do so.”
“I’m sorry. I know I’m not good company. I should be more . . .”
“Engaging. Chatty. Sociable. Charming.”
He circled my stool to catch my eyes, and I fought the impulse to guide his hands back to me. “Should you?”
I shrugged, and he went back to the stove and tossed the veggies in one smooth move. My social inadequacies were old news by now, but what if Eli didn’t understand the full extent of it? What if he thought he knew me, but—
“You’re enough, Rue. And if you aren’t . . . I just don’t mind.” I stared at his back as he worked, watching his muscles play under the cotton. “I said it before, but I do like you. You’re funny, even though you like to pretend you’re not. You’re loyal—to the wrong people, sometimes, but that’s still a quality that I deeply appreciate, even more so after what happened ten years ago. You have a strong sense of what is wrong and what is right. You’re deliberate, and you’d rather shut up than lie—even to yourself.” He began plating the food. In his perfect profile, I saw a twitch of a smile. “And as we’ve already agreed upon, you’re a fantastic lay who smells amazing.”
It was my cue to laugh at his joke and dismiss the rest, but my heart was beating hard in my throat. “I’m not sure what to say.”
“You could return the compliment.”
“I should praise your sense of justice and morality?”
“Not that one.”
“Ah.” I nodded. “I guess you’re an okay lay, too,” I said flatly, and my heart galloped when he laughed from someplace deep in his chest. “You don’t resent me?”
“Why should I?”
“If it hadn’t been for what was stolen from you, I wouldn’t have this career.”
“You would still have a career.” He carried both plates to the table and waited for me to join him.
“Sure, I’d be working somewhere else. But my project was funded with something that was taken from you.”
“No, I don’t resent you for that. It looks like you are resenting yourself, though. And we agreed that tonight wasn’t about that.” Eyes still on me, Eli scooped up a forkful of food and began eating. “Did Vincent come back?”
I blinked at the abrupt change of topic. “No. I’ve been calling real estate lawyers, but it’s summer. A few are on vacation, a few are not affordable, some are not taking on new clients. I want to buy him out, and I have some money set aside. I’d been saving it for the down payment on a house. Or for when my car frees itself of its mortal coil. Or in case I need a new kidney.”
“Those three things have vastly different costs, Rue.”
“Have fun on The Price Is Right, Finance Guy.”
He smiled. “Eat up. Your food’s getting cold.”