Page 6 of Finding My Bodyguard
“I have to get the surgery, but I’m not doing it alone, Kashus. It’s three days. Clear your schedule!” I walked past him to the bed. Kashus wiped his hand across his face.
“Look, it’s too much to handle here. Rah will be there. He’ll make sure you are good. I can fly out Contessa to keep you company.” He sighed. My head shook as I slid on my designer slides. Contessa wasn’t in any shape to travel. She was seven months pregnant with my little brother or sister. Having Rah there would be okay, but I wanted my fiancé.
“Clear your schedule, Kashus.” I folded my arms across my chest and poked my hip out. I wasn’t backing down. “You want this surgery so bad, get on the plane.”
Kashus stood there silent for a minute before pulling out his phone. I turned to face the mirror. My eyes roamed my body. I was on the fence about this surgery. I loved myself. I’d always thought I was beautiful. At the same time, though, I knew I didn’t look like a model. I had a low belly pouch, back rolls, and cellulite. I kind of wanted a little nip tuck, but being told I had to hit differently. I stared at my fiancé. He was so handsome. I once felt lucky to be the one he would marry; now I just felt blah. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t holding out hope this surgery would make Kashus love and respect me a little more. I was beautiful now, but I would be stunning once the doctor took this stomach and back fat and added more titties. Kashus walked over to me. I could feel his heavy breathing on my neck before he placed a soft kiss there.
“You are beautiful, Monroe, and this surgery just gon’ magnify that beauty.” He turned me around to face him before placing a soft kiss on my forehead.
“When you look right on my arm, watch the type of money moves we’ll able to make.” Kashus slid the engagement ring back onto my finger.
“So that means you going?”
“Yeah, man.” He sighed. I jumped into his arms with excitement.
“Great!” I smiled. I kissed him on the lips. Kashus dropped his head in defeat. In the back of my mind, I knew this wasn’t normal. I knew this wasn’t what love and having a healthy relationship was. With my circumstances, though, this was all I was ever going to get. Real love didn’t exist for me.
“I’ll have Rah come get the bags. Go get in the car. I’ll be down in a minute.” Kashus placed one more peck on my forehead before I walked away. My reflection in the hallway mirrors seemed to be taunting me as I headed to the stairs. The realization that I wouldn’t look the same when I returned hit me. It was bittersweet. My hands ran down my body and landed on my lower belly fupa. I cupped the fat in my hand and mushed it. I’d had this lower belly pouch for years. Did I want to get rid of it?
“Hmph, I guess.” I let go of my belly pouch and walked down the stairs to the car that would carry us to the airport.
I settled on the private jet in the recliner chair next to Kashus. My nerves had nothing to do with the flight. I’d flown a thousand times before, but my impending date with the operating table was turning my stomach. I’d never gotten plastic surgery before. The only surgery I’d ever had was when I’d gotten my tonsils removed at eight years old. My father hadn’t been there for the procedure because he was away on business.
My mother was still alive and had been there by my side the entire time. It was one of my favorite memories of her. Looking over at an already sleeping Kashus, I pulled out my phone and went to the picture of my mom that I kept in my favorites. I often wondered if she had lived, would my life had been different? I never had to question her love. It wasn’t conditional. Would she have let my father agree to this surgery? Would she want me to get this surgery? All plastic surgeries came with a risk. Was it worth it?
I sighed as I stared at my mother. I was the spitting image of her. Her chocolate skin mirrored mine. She was so confident and joyous, considering her situation. I stared at the picture until tears formed in my eyes. I needed my mother. I needed someone whose love wasn’t conditional. My father’s love was always centered around who I would add to his business. Kashus’s love was contingent on what my family name could give him.
Closing the picture, I sat back in my seat and closed my eyes. Hopefully, sleep could find me and offer some relief from my wandering thoughts. When I awoke, Kashus was standing over me.
“Let’s go.” He shook my body. I hopped up and peered out of the window. We’d landed in Miami. Kashus led me off the jet and into the back of a black SUV. We didn’t have much time before my appointment at Dr. London’s office. Kashus didn’t say anything to me as we drove down the highway. He pretended to be immersed in work. I enjoyed the silence as I let the beautiful views of Miami calm my nerves.
London’s Plastic Surgery was only twenty minutes from the airport, but it felt like forty the way my thoughts were raging. My heart skipped a beat as the car stopped in front of the building. This was it. I opened the door just as Kashus rounded the car.
“Let’s go get you that banging ass body.” He held out his hand and walked me up the stairs and into the bustling office of Dr. London. I couldn’t shake the nagging feeling of unease as I approached the receptionist's desk.
“Hello, my name is Monroe… um Iris. I have a pre-op appointment today with Dr. London.”
“Oh, hello, Ms. Iris. I’m Rebecca, one of the nurses here. Give me a second to get you pulled up in the computer.”
I nodded my head and gazed around to take in the office. It didn’t look like a typical doctor's office. Everything was sleek and state of the art. My hand slid down the gold trim on the black counter. This place was nicer than the pictures online. My initial interest in this place was that the surgeons, along with much of the staff, were black. Kashus had recommended the surgeon who had done Drea and Whitney’s bodies, but I declined.
“We have you right here, ma’am, and it looks like they’re ready for you.”
My head swiveled, and my chest rose and fell rapidly. I didn’t expect it to be that fast.
“Um, can my fiancé go back too?” I looked between the receptionist and Kashus.
“Naw, I’ma stay out here,” Kashus interjected. Before I could protest, he had already found a seat on a nearby bench in the waiting area. His eyes were on his phone. He was disinterested. Sure, this was only the pre-operational appointment, but this wasn’t the support I wanted. Then again, what more could I ask for? He was here, so I guess I should be grateful.
“Follow me.” A tall, light-skinned woman led me back to a patient room. The moment I walked into the room, things took off at hyper-speed. I had to pee in a cup, get my blood drawn, and be hooked up to heart monitoring machines. It was all happening so fast my head was spinning, and the reality that I was having a life-changing surgery for a man who couldn’t even offer his support was starting to set in.
“We’re all done with the pre-operation procedures. The last step is for you to speak with Dr. London. He likes to meet with all his patients before surgery, especially the patients from out of state.” The nurse punched a few things on the computer before moving to the door. I nodded my head. “He’ll be in shortly,” she said before leaving the room.
“Okay!” I called behind her, letting out a deep sigh. I sat there for a minute, thinking about nothing and everything simultaneously. Pulling my phone out, I texted Kashus to let him know I was almost finished with my appointment. I watched as the speech bubbles appeared and then disappeared. I didn’t know what was so hard about saying okay, but before I could contemplate it any longer, the door swung open, and my head darted up.
“Hello, Ms. Iris. I’m Dr. London.” The surgeon entered the room. Immediately, my breath caught in my throat. Memories flooded my brain, and I realized this was the fine stranger from the club last night. The one that had poured tequila down my throat and made me wet the seat of my panties. What were the odds? I’d never actually seen my surgeon. His website pictures were patient photos of his work, and all my virtual consultations had been with nurses. My eyes roamed him. His features were gorgeous. His deep complexion coated his skin so well that the heavy tattoos on his neck and hands were nearly invisible. The white doctor’s coat he wore didn’t hide his thick arms and wide shoulders. I felt crazy for the way I was gazing at this man, but I couldn’t look away.