Page 33 of Stolen Wife
“I’m sorry, but when I saw you, I knew I had to bring it to your attention that I remembered your father’s case. I just didn’t realize you didn’t know anything about it, including that Marchetti wasn’t your biological father.”
“You’ve solved a riddle for me. I’ve been trying to figure out why they would want to bring me down, and now I know that it has to do with my parentage.” I look for his name. Santino Benedetti.
“Holy fuck!” My blood boils. I’d been named after a man I knew nothing about. It breaks my heart. There’s no way I can let this go, and my mother has a lot to answer for. I slam the folder closed and stand, sending my chair backward, too damn frustrated to sit still.
“This doesn’t mean you can go after him.”
“Then what the fuck did you give it to me for?”
“Because you deserved to know.”
“I need to get out of here.” I rub my hand over my face. I’m fucking losing it and I know that the only thing that can make it better is answers and Marchetti’s head on a fucking platter. I scoop up the file and walk to the door.
“Wait. I have a bunch of questions about Dimitri.” Shit—the whole reason Morel came to the hospital in the first place.
Frustrated, I pull out my cell phone, pull up the text messages, and slide it across the table. “Look at these. I got them seconds after the shooting.”
He catches my phone and scrolls through the messages. “Damn it. Wow. Okay. I need a copy of these.”
“I’ll screenshot them and send it to you.” He spits out his cell phone number and I send over the images.
“Do you have anything else besides these?”
“Not about Dimitri, but I recorded a call with my father where he threatened to kill my mother if I didn’t take a meeting with him minutes before the bullets started flying.”
“Do you have it on you?”
“I do.” I play it back and then send the recording to him.
After an hour, he’s made some calls and returns with news. “I want you to go home and get some sleep, but I’m planning to call you in ass early. We’re going to issue a warrant for the arrest of Marchetti for the threat on you and your mother. I’ve gone to a judge I know can’t be bought.” I smile, knowing shit’s about to go down.
We shake hands and I follow him out to my security who is waiting for me.
“Let’s go home. I want to be back here as soon as we can.”
When I get home, I eat something small because I’m fucking exhausted and just want to sleep, but first I have to call Joey to find out about Giada.
“How’s it going there?”
“Things are getting dicey. Your prized cow has been bullish. She’s ready to run out of the barn every few minutes.” Oh God. Giada would lose her mind if she knew we were referencing her as a cow. It’s not cool, but I have no choice. I wanted to keep them off her scent as long as possible, and just in case someone was listening in, I didn’t want them to figure out it was her.
“Well, soon she’ll settle down. When the calves come. How is your family?”
“They’re not much better than the cow.”
“Sorry to hear that.” I inform him of what happened to Dimitri before calling it a night. Tomorrow, I’ll tap into his security cameras and see my woman. It’s all I can do at the moment. Soon, I’ll be claiming her for sure.