Page 39 of Stolen Wife
Chapter Fifteen
A week. I have beenon this island for a week. Not once have I gotten to hear from or see Santino. He hasn’t called, messaged, or visited me. I’m beginning to honestly believe that he’s moved on to a new flavor. After all, it’s been two years of no pussy. That’s got to drive a man like him insane. He’s hot, young, and virile. Gosh, remembering the things he did to me reminds me how much he needs to get laid.
“Lunch is ready,” Joey says, interrupting my memory of Santino’s fingers teasing my pussy to an incredible orgasm.
“Okay.” I follow him into the kitchen where the temporary chef has prepared a delicious pasta in a light sauce.
“Thank you.” He leaves us to enjoy the meal. This is the only meal Joey eats with me. I like the guy, even though he hardly says a word. He’s the only reason I don’t jump into the ocean and end it all. Every once in a while, he lets it slip that he’s spoken to Santino. He tells me that Santino misses me but refuses to give me the phone. I can’t tell if he’s telling me the truth or trying to keep me compliant.
“So when can I leave?” I ask after I plop down on the stool.
His expression changes and he tilts his head. “Are you going to ask every single day?”
I roll my eyes and then pop a grape in my mouth. “Yep. I mean, I’m not doing shit here.”
He shakes his head and cuts a piece of chicken. “I never met someone who didn’t like living in a paradise,” he says before taking a bite.
“What’s the point of paradise if there’s no one to share it with?”
“Damn, what am I? Chopped liver?” He presses his hand to his chest in mock outrage.
“At this point, yeah.” I smirk with my head bent toward my plate.
He just scoffs and takes another bite. “Well, tough. I can’t let you go anywhere.”
“I’m not going to take this shit much more.”
“Just give him time.”
“I gave him a week already. I hate this. It’s worse than being stuck with Rafael.”
I know that’s crossing the line because nothing is worse and then again, to me it’s painful to think of Santino and to know he’s abandoned me. “Whatever. I’m not going to sit around like a puppy dog. I’m going into town today.”
“No, you’re not.”
“We’ll see about that.” I empty my plate into the garbage and then wash my plate. He finishes his and then hands it to me for me to wash. We’ve set up this routine that works nicely, but even as I set the plate in the rack, I’m thinking about Santino and my mood darkens.
“If you want to go in the water, today’s a good day, but I’ll be watching you.”
“Damn you need to get a girl. Spending your day ogling me is getting out of control,” I tease. Honestly, the man ignores me like I have the plague.
“Don’t let Santino hear that, or he’ll kill me for nothing.”
“Whatever. I’m going to change.” I head into my bedroom and scoop up my latest read. It’s a great book and I’m looking forward to learning what causes them to separate and if they’ll get their happily ever after almost all us girls dream of. Since Santino took me, I’ve dreamt of a life without Rafael and it sends me into a much better mood, but I also picture Santino as my happily ever after.
Slipping out of the house, I walk along the beach for hours, thinking about life. What can I do about it? I know that just escaping Rafael is a blessing, but can I be greedy and ask for more?
“Giada, where are you going?” I stare up at the sky, wishing I can punch Joey in the face.
“I’m not going anywhere. Gosh, didn’t you say I could walk along the beach?” I remind him.
“Yes, but you’re way past the house.” I turn around and look. I can’t even see the house anymore.
“Oh goodness. I was lost in my thoughts.”