Page 9 of Stolen Wife
“She’s a whore anyway,” I let slip.
I flinch, waiting for the venom to come from Signor Marchetti’s mouth, but instead he just chuckles. “Yes, Giada is right. She wouldn’t mind a little fun now that you’ve been locked away so long.”
My mother-in-law looks at both men and scolds them. “Rafael, Santino, is this the talk you should be having at the table? You could have this talk later in private.”
“Sorry, Mama,” Santino apologizes. “I suppose prison has made me forget my manners.”
“I apologize as well, my dear.” He never calls her that. Is he only doing that because Santino’s here?
The lunch is short and to the point. Santino’s phone rings, but he doesn’t answer it. Instead, he stands and says, “Thank you. I’m sorry, but I must go. There’s a great deal for me to do. I have a meeting with the board shortly. Perhaps we can speak later, Papa.” He bows slightly to me. “See you later, Giada.” He bends down and kisses his mother’s cheek and excuses himself.
As soon as he’s gone, Signor Marchetti leans over the table and says, “If Rafael saw the way you drooled over his brother, you wouldn’t be taking another breath. It explains why he keeps you locked away. You’re no better than Suzette.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about and frankly, I don’t care either. Your son is vile and so are you. I’d rather die than have Rafael ever touch me again with his little dick.” I throw down my napkin, but I don’t get to take another step before he comes around the table and slaps me across the face, sending me falling to the floor.
“You don’t ever talk that way to me again. I’m not the guards.” I clasp my hand to my face. My mother-in-law comes around the table and helps me up to my seat.
“Now eat your food. I don’t want this going to waste. We waste enough on you as it is.” I sit there in silence with my head down, refusing to speak to either of them. In my head, I’ve pictured several ways of killing him. My hand lingers over the butter knife a couple of times, but I think better of it.
After about ten more minutes of silence, he pulls out his phone to summon one of his men, then he tells me to go to my room. One of the guards comes and escorts me out like I’m not a part of this family. I know I’m not, but it feels twenty times worse now than it did this morning.
Suddenly dying seems like a much more rational way to go. I don’t know if I can handle any more of the abuse. The attack drained my will. When I look in the mirror, I see the damage. It’s pretty bad. Rafael will only do worse once he learns why his dad struck me. It’s going to take a pound of makeup and a week at least to hide this mark, if I live that long. Rafael shouldn’t be back tonight since his mistress lives in New York. They live like a happy couple over there as if he doesn’t have a wife here.
Thinking about it pisses me off. I’m over here, receiving daily abuse and all because they want a legitimate heir like DNA tests and marriages can’t be arranged with a snap of their fingers. They wanted a virgin bride, like that mattered when they treat me so brutally. My head throbs, but I don’t have any pain meds up here.
I try to lie down, but my skull and my hip ache. I hit the chair harder than I thought on my way to the floor. I walk over to the window and wonder if somehow it’s best to jump. I open the curtains and the sun shines in. Squinting a few times, I let my eyes adjust. I’m not sure how long I stand there leaning against the wall, but soon I can see the change in the color of the sky as the sun turns it orange.
A knock at the door startles me and I drop the curtains. I don’t even get a moment to open it when Signor Marchetti comes in. “You looking to jump?”
“What? Are you planning to push me?”
“Why would I do that yet? If you don’t get pregnant soon, I can see it happening.”
“Is there a reason that you’re here?”
“It’s my house. I can be wherever I want. I’m warning you to stay away from Santino. I won’t let him ruin my son’s happiness.”
I twist up my expression. So he really doesn’t care for his oldest, which doesn’t surprise me but instead saddens me. Did Santino grow up with this kind of abuse? Did he kill for his father to win his love and respect?
“I’m trapped all the time. I will probably never see him again. I’m sure if he shows up, you’ll have me locked up. What you don’t get is that I don’t want him. He’s just like you and your other son. He’s handsome, sure, but since Rafael wants to pawn me off to his men after he gets me pregnant, I can’t help but wonder if I can at least get a good-looking goon.”
“What the fuck do you mean?”
“Hasn’t Rafael bragged about how I’ll be passed around to that bastard out there and his others after I produce an heir?”
“He wouldn’t.”
“Well, he sure as fuck threatens me with it every time he suffers through fucking me.”
“That’s not happening. I don’t give a fuck how many mistresses he has, but you will not disgrace or disrespect him by whoring around.”
“Good, that’s the first thing you and I can happily agree on,” I inform him. I feel a modicum of relief.
“Wonderful, then maybe I’ll finally get some obedience out of you.”
“Maybe a dog would be a better wife for him, then.”
He grips me around the throat. “I may not let him pawn you off on anyone else but keep that shit up, and I’ll fuck you up your ass so hard you’ll be bleeding for weeks.” He tosses me like his son did just this morning, and I’m more afraid than I have ever been. It’s a threat I hadn’t been expecting. He smiles. “And I’m sure I’ll fucking love every minute of it.” He licks his lips and then leaves the room.
My skin crawls at the thought of his hands on me. I can’t take it anymore. There has to be a way for me to escape. I’m going to try to be on my best behavior and find my way out. I’d rather live on the streets of New York going from shelter to shelter or town to town as long as I can get away from this sick and twisted family.
A plan. That’s what I need. Who can I get to help me? Fucking hell. I might have to seduce one of the assholes I hate so much, but hopefully it doesn’t come to that. The house is surrounded by one of the strongest iron gates ever made, or at least that’s what I’m told. It spans a half mile in perimeter and there’s cameras all around the compound and a half a dozen guards at any time around the house. The cook goes out at least once a week to the store along with two guards so they can carry back the bags. It’s always on a Wednesday at noon. It’s the only time that the gate’s consistently available. Can I get the cook to help? Maybe I can sneak into the trunk and then have her unlock it and I jump out while they’re in the store. I’ll have to ask Mrs. Marchetti if the cook is willing to assist me in escaping.
At this point there’s not a single guard or staff member that I know of that’s on my side. I don’t need her to actually do anything but pretend that I’m not in the trunk and unlock it. That might actually work. Goodness, I can only hope.
A little sense of peace washes over me, and I go to my stack of books and pick War and Peace because I want my mind to shut off so I can fall asleep.