Page 17 of Stolen Dove
Will he abuse me if I defy him? He had a chance, but he didn't, although his threat to spank me didn't have the effect he intended. My woman bits clenched up as soon as he warned me. I'm almost tempted to forget myself again just to feel his hand on my ass. Maybe I'm still on whatever drug they put in my drink.
"How long until we arrive?" I ask. I’m not sure if he’s told me or not. My mind is practically mush around this arrogant asshole.
He checks the time. "We're about thirty minutes from landing. Do you want something to eat or drink?"
I’m hungry, but we’re almost landing. It’s not like I’ll have time to enjoy my food, and I most definitely don’t want to scarf it down in front of him. "Just some water. I'm feeling a little dehydrated." Which is the truth, actually. My mouth is parched.
"Okay." He buzzes the flight attendant, who appears hastily. She looks to be as young as I am and pretty as hell with dark black hair and blue eyes so bright they almost look fake.
"Señor Serrano?" she asks with a nervous smile. “Necesitas algo?” I don’t speak Spanish, so I have no idea what they’re saying to each other.
"Señora Serrano necesita una botella de agua." She looks to me and then back to Victor with a straight face.
"Si," she says, nodding and walking away and coming back a moment later with a sealed bottle of water. I take it from her and say, "Gracias."
"Gracias, Delia. Es todo." She blushes and walks back the way she came. Oh my God, she’s crushing on him, or maybe they have a secret affair and she’s blushing because I’m right here so they can’t do what they probably always did. A vision of her in his arms runs through my head, and I push that terrible sight out of my mind before I pull her hair out.
"Have you slept with her?" It’s out of my mouth before I can bite it back. Gosh, could I sound any more jealous?
"No. She's the pilot's daughter,” he says, holding back a chuckle.
"She's nervous around you. I think she has a crush,” I finish the last part in a whisper.
"I have that effect on people.” His cocky response pisses me off.
"Charming and disarming?" I huff out, and he has the nerve to chuckle.
He reaches out, and I don’t flinch as he cups my face, brushing his thumb down my cheek. "No—dangerous. I don't deal in human trafficking, but Avanti and I are not good men."
"I figured as much." Duh. He attended the party with the same intent of every asshole in there.
''Just so you know—if you were anyone else, you'd pay for that remark,” he bites out, letting his hand fall.
"I get it. So after I give you an heir, will I be free to go?" I ask.
"Never. Not until they put us in the ground, Dove." There is no hesitation in his response, which makes me wonder why, but I’m too chickenshit to ask anything else. I might not like the answer.
"Wow. Okay."
I ignore him for the rest of the flight until the young attendant returns. “We are about to land. Please buckle up.”
Victor nods at her and before I can do it for myself, he’s snapping my seat belt into place. “I could have done that myself.” He shakes his head with a smirk before fixing his own and relaxing like I didn’t just protest. Asshole.
We land, and that's when I notice that we weren't alone the whole time. Three men come from behind me. "Run the sweep."
"Si," the one who's about the same build as Victor answers. Seeing my confusion, Victor stops him from leaving.
"Dove, these men are our personal security. My right-hand man, Fernando."
"Señora Serrano," he says, nodding.
"These two are Julian and Marcelino. They're brothers. I trust them, but I will put this warning out to everyone. Dove is not to be touched unless it's a life or death situation. Dove, you'll never give these men a reason to even put their hands on you. Understood?"
"Por supuesto," Fernando says while the others say yes.
I roll my eyes but agree. "Of course. Although, I think you should know I don't know Spanish."
"You'll learn, eventually."