Page 29 of Stolen Dove
“I have to remember that.” They have been so nice to me. “I’m coming now.” I take my book and my new gadgets and carry them with me into the kitchen.
I've been out of the house all day, dealing with the new family out there. I couldn’t believe it when I learned who it was. Julio Montoya had the balls to finally go up against me, but what he doesn’t understand is that I have more to lose now than ever, and that means I have something to fight for. I’ll fight to the motherfucking death to protect my Dove.
I can’t prove who set the blaze in my damn vineyard. There are many dirt roads with access to the vineyards. We can’t have it locked up because it brings in the tourists, but now it’s allowed the rats to enter. With a wife and hopefully a baby on the way, I don't want a war, but they've pushed me to the point I must make a decision. A quarter of my vineyard burned to ashes in broad daylight means someone’s going to get their heads lobbed off.
I spent the morning working to evaluate all that we lost. When I finally checked the time, I realized I was fucking late as hell. Fernando rushed me to the store to get Dove’s present. Seeing her jealousy pissed me off. She can call it whatever she wants, but she thought I was out fucking another woman and came home with a different change of clothes. What she doesn’t understand is there could be no one else. I only see her now, and nothing will change that. It’s not love or respect that gets her to distrust me. It’s our lack of it that makes her think that I have nothing else on my mind. I bought her like a prostitute, after all.
When I handed her the phone, I nearly caved, but I have to have a way to get in touch with her and vice versa. I don’t want her to ever think she can’t call me. My number and Fernando’s are the only ones programmed into the phone because I want her to be able to call me whenever.
Damn it. I should have told her that. “Have you heard any movement on the Vitalis’ end?”
“None. I contacted the businesses nearest the entry to the vineyard for any footage.”
“We need to install cameras up and down on all the telecommunication poles.”
“Nothing flashy and nothing that’s going to grab people’s attention. I don’t want it to look like the surveillance at the house.”
My phone rings, and it’s my half sister Maria Luisa. “Are you still coming to your godson’s party?”
“Are you going to bring your lady friend?”
“No. How did you hear about her?”
“I thought it was idle gossip. I didn’t believe it. I can’t believe it. I’m so happy for you. I want to meet her one day, but I won’t push.”
“One day, I will introduce you two. So who told you?”
“We’re women. Word spreads quick. Mi amiga works next to the store and heard about a large delivery and how the owner was worked up about getting it right.”
“Well, I will say this. I can’t go without an heir forever.”
“Good. I’m so happy for you. Take care of yourself. Treat her right.”
“I will. Take care as well.” I end the call.
“I’m ready to go home. I think we’ve done enough for the night.”
“Sounds good. I need a fucking shower and some food.”
“You should have eaten with the guys.”
“Nah. I didn’t want that shit. I was hoping for Geraldo’s famous caldo.”
“I’m sure there’s a lot left. There’s only Dove eating. Shit. I didn’t ask if she’s allergic to anything. Damn it. I’m fucking this all up.”
“I don’t know about all that shit, but I say we cap her father and Avanti soon so she has nowhere to run to. You gave her a phone. I wouldn’t have.”
“She can’t make international calls on it.”
“There’s still internet on it, right?”