Page 32 of Stolen Dove
“Thanks,” I say, turning my head with a smile. I really do want to not feel trapped or scared. He helps me in with his hand on my side, and I freeze. No one is allowed to touch me. Damn it, I hope he doesn’t get in trouble for it. Maybe no one saw it. I close my eyes and then buckle my seat belt as he shuts the door.
Once he goes around and enters, I say, “You shouldn’t touch me. It’s one of Victor’s rules.”
“Honest mistake. It is customary as gentlemen.” He gives me a half smile.
“Yes, but I don’t want Victor to take it out on you. He’s a little crazy, and I’m already pushing the envelope today.”
“It shall be our secret.” He winks and then begins to drive. I’m getting a strange vibe about all of this. Maybe it’s because I’m not used to people being nice to me or because I know that I’m in for it when I get back.
“So how far is it from here?”
“About ten minutes. Relax. It’s your first day of freedom. There are a lot of stores for you to enjoy. Street vendors are out and about. Do you have anything like that in New York?”
“Yes, lots of them. Does it get that busy here?” What if there’s one of Victor’s enemies out there waiting for the right moment to strike? I know he’s done a good job of hiding our marriage. I don’t even have a ring on my finger.
“Not at all.”
“Good. Are you going to be my translator?”
“Yes, little Dove.” Okay. That sends a chill through me, and I don’t say another word. Victor would be angry at the familiarity. I’m uncomfortable with it.
“Is something wrong?” he asks as he comes to a stop.
“I would just prefer if we keep this less friendly. Victor wouldn’t be happy.”
“I’m surprised you care. Unless you’re just worried about being killed by him, then I’d understand. He’s a ruthless son of a bitch. He keeps you trapped while out banging his mistress every week. It’s where he’s going on ‘business’ today. He always goes to see her and their two daughters.”
“What?” I gasp, nearly choking on my own shock.
“I’m just saying. It makes no sense that he brought you here and married you when he has a ready-made family.” He shrugs like this is no big deal and that I’m already aware of Victor’s betrayal.
He barely finishes parking when I get out of the car before he can stop me. I don’t want to hear more right now and sadly, I don’t want to believe him because my heart can’t handle the betrayal. It’s silly because I’m just another possession to Victor, but I still hurt.
Taking a deep breath, a plan comes to my mind. I am going to spend Victor’s money like it’s going out of style, and then I’m going to resell the shit and get a ticket out of my own personal hell.
“Are you okay, Dove?”
“I’m fine. I’m here to shop. Please, no more talk of my fake-ass husband.” He follows behind me—a little too close for comfort per Victor’s request, but my chest is too busy breaking. We go from store to store, most staring at me in wonder especially when we pay. I might have stolen Victor’s card, but he stole my heart and then broke it. If he’s going to treat me like a whore, I’m collecting on the tab.
Three weeks, and things aren’t getting better. If anything, they’ve gotten a shitload worse. Dove has only let me into her body. Her heart remains unavailable to me. It’s as if she’s hardened it so hard that I may never get her to love me. Perhaps I haven’t given her a reason.
“Did you pick up the gift like I asked?” I inquire, knowing it’s pointless because he wouldn’t forget. He’s not the one with his head up his ass. I’m the one with a wife who takes up every thought in my head, causing me to be careless. I should have handled the little attacks by Julio’s men. I’m starting to prove I’m my father’s son with the way I’m letting the business slip. Although, it doesn’t help that I have no proof it was his men starting this shit.
“Of course I did. It’s wrapped and labeled for the little man. It’s in the back.”
“Gracias. It’s not like I’ve had time to go, and I sure as hell didn’t want Dove to see the present and ask questions.”
“Do you think it’s wise to keep this from her like a dirty little secret?” he questions. It’s just the two of us because Marcelino’s preparing the helicopter and Julian’s got a stomach virus.
“It’s for the best. If she knew the truth about my family, she’d believe I was like my father and find another way to escape.” I need to get both areas of my life under control. It’s time to take Julio by the balls and tear his budding empire to the ground.
I hate leaving Dove, and I loathe leaving someone else to watch over her while I work, but these things must be done. With the constant issues at the winery, vineyard, and the new property in Calabria, I’ve had so much on my plate that I’ve had little to no time to convince her that she should stay. Something feels wrong today. It’s not just her anger. My gut is telling me that I shouldn’t leave her there alone, but she doesn’t want my mother to come over. She’s pissed because I refuse to replace the tablet. I have, but it’s locked up in my drawer. I want to give it to her, but there’s a lack of trust that can’t be worked out until we have time.
Soon I’ll take her out, but I worry that she’ll resent my lifestyle. She doesn’t know about my siblings or the war I’m going through with one of them. I’d hate for her to believe I’m just like my father. There’s still so much to prove to her. If only we had more time together and I spent it with my dick in my pants and my hands and mouth to myself, but she turns me into an animal. I always have to have her.