Page 8 of Stolen Dove
“I have the file on the families when you’re ready to review it.”
“Have you gone through it yourself?” Fernando’s team created the file and I’m certain he saw most of it, but as the head of security, he’s too busy to gather the intel himself.
“Yes. Intriguing and a bit worrisome.”
“How so?” I’ve been keeping busy with the growing tensions from the pressure of a new rival inching closer.
“They’re in the middle of a shake-up and our host had a huge part to play in it.” He hands me the file, and I start to read the front page. It’s a report with a small picture of Santino and Giada Benedetti. He’s kissing her temple as they sit at a restaurant. The notes under the picture read: Son of the former boss of the Marchetti family, Rafael Marchetti. Killed half brother Rafael Jr. in self-defense while in Santino’s company office. Giada is the daughter of Antonio Avanti.
“We’ll discuss it on the plane,” I grumble, closing the file. I never realized how difficult it was to read in a moving vehicle, and we’ve just hit a bumpy patch of road.
“Remind me to have that repaired as soon as possible.” Hard rains can damage the road quickly, and we just had a heavy storm.
Fernando nods in the rearview mirror as we hit the straightaway to the private airstrip. Once we pull up to the spot, his second in command, Luis, who followed behind with two others, helps unload our luggage. “Gracias,” I say. They will fear me, but I want their respect and loyalty.
We shake hands, and then Fernando and I board the plane and meet with Ernesto, my pilot. “Hola, Jefe.”
“Hola, Ernesto. How long until we land in New York?” I’m already anxious to return. I’m not one for going to the States. To me, there’s nothing special about it. I have everything the American dream can offer, and our history is much richer. I prefer traveling to Europe if I wish to have a vacation, which in all honesty, I do not.
“Nine hours, as long as the weather holds.”
“Bueno. We’re ready when you are.”
He nods and says, “Okay. We’ll take off in five minutes. Please take a seat and buckle up.” He swiftly turns around and heads into the cockpit while my men and I take our seats.
A few minutes later, we’re up in the air and the seat belt warning turns off. The flight attendant is Ernesto’s daughter, Delia. “Can I bring you anything to drink, Señor Serrano?”
“Please bring us some bourbon. Don’t forget to ask them as well.” She’s new, and I want her to do a good job. My men know not to flirt with her, so I want her to get comfortable. She’s a good girl and ready to start college soon. The men are sitting away from Fernando and myself as we discuss matters that are just between the two of us. I bring out the file on the American families and place it on the table between us.
“So tell me what these pages don’t,” I say, clapping my hands on my thighs and rubbing them back and forth twice over.
“The tensions are high. The Marchetti family no longer exists. Santino and his security team wiped them out over a short time while stealing the wife of his brother. Despite having the makings of a great mob boss, he’s not a part of that life. He ended their reign and moved on with his life. His wife is expecting, and his associate has taken the reins to start his own operation.”
I don’t respond because Delia’s back with our drinks. “Would you care for the in-flight meal?”
“Yes, but please give us a couple of hours.” The men ate before they picked me up, so we have plenty of time before the next meal. She nods and leaves us.
“This Johnny fella?” I ask, continuing our conversation.
“Yes. He’s got ties to the Irish in Boston. Santino’s also been working with the Russians.”
“Damn. Are you sure he’s not running something underground? Getting his hands into different pots?”
“Not from what we see. It’s only been a few weeks since Rafael Marchetti has been arrested.”
“Well, then, we’re going to need more information before we contact them. I don’t trust Avanti, but he’s looking for allies so we’ll see what he has to offer. At least there’s a party tonight. Perhaps some of them will be there. If there’s a shake-up they’ll be looking for lifelines and we’ll hear whispers.” I don’t want to deal with these people for anything other than shipping, but I also need to be aware of who my enemies are.
“I have your back either way,” he reminds me.
I raise my glass to him. “I’m grateful to have you at my side.” I toss the bourbon back and then we go back to the plan.
* * *
My men pick up our rental SUV while Fernando and I wait. I refused the offer for their men to meet us because frankly, I don’t trust getting into vehicles with strangers, especially men who operate openly on the other side of the law. We put the address to Avanti’s estate into the navigation system. There’s a decent amount of traffic, but we make good time.
We arrive at the closed gates and are escorted into Avanti’s home before his guests arrive for their party. I freshen up in my guest room while my men do the same in the room next door. I tug on my cuffs as I check over my appearance. Strong and powerful as always, which is exactly what I am despite my current situation. With my plans waylaid, I’m at the mercy of my host. Our meeting was to happen yesterday, but due to the severe weather, my flight had been delayed.
If I had arrived on time, I would have been out of here three hours ago instead of waiting for our meeting, which rankles my nerves. I’m not the type to be waiting for anyone, especially a mediocre criminal. He’s one step above the politicians in this city, but without the clout. I want access to the coastlines without restrictions, and Avanti has the connections I’m interested in.