Page 33 of Stolen Bride
“The devil’s going to be played. He hides his money in plain sight, and he’s so busy playing with her innocent little snatch that it’s all going to be taken from him.”
“That’s not going to happen. None of his men will let that happen.”
“His men? Ha. How do you think I knew who to ask? Why do you think Camille got close to that pretty little hummingbird? She’s on so many radars. Now the wife is too. We have an inside man. He doesn’t even know he’s about to get robbed too.”
“Those girls are going to end up just like your sister.”
“Bastard,” Michael roars, punching Tommy and sending his head snapping back, and that’s when the footage shows Tommy slump over. Holy fuck.
He did something to Michael’s sister twenty years ago, making him around twelve at the time. Just a kid when it happened. Fuck. No wonder Tommy had no idea who he was. I call Michael’s cell. “Where the fuck are you?”
“I didn’t mean to kill him, Boss.” The sound of tears filled his throat, and for the first time in my life, I’m moved by it.
“I know you didn’t, but I need you to calm the fuck down and tell me where you’re going. What happened to your sister?”
“You can’t ask me to calm down and then ask me what happened to her,” he angrily chuckles. “Imagine the worst.” I can’t because I want to slice open the bag of worms in that room. He had every intention of destroying my sister and now Stella. I knew it. Never have a woman because they weaken you, make you vulnerable, and create…a soft spot.
“Come back. We have a lot of revenge to get, and I want you to get yours. Tommy’s death was too easy and unfair. The fucker probably died from something else. That blow shouldn’t have killed him, but I have others that need to pay for their transgressions, and we could use your help.” I end the call and wait while Andriano loses his suit jacket and rolls up his sleeves to help clean up the mess in the room as he and Gabe’s change into contamination suits.
“You look like a bitch,” Adriano says.
“It smells, and I’m not getting that shit on my clothes.”
“I’ve already dirtied these up bringing this asshole here earlier. I’ll burn them.” Adriano drops the fat fuck down on the drop cloth like a pile of bricks. “Hey, Boss. Maybe it’s my faultthis asshole died too quickly. I might have banged his head earlier, getting him into the trunk.”
“He probably croaked because he was overweight, beaten, strapped to a chair, and worried. The man was one scare away from a heart attack,” my father says. “Don’t fret over bullshit. Get the job done because we have more pressing matters.”
I pace the security area, and my mind goes to Stella. Always her. I can’t decide if I’m better off without her. Once her enemies are gone, I know she’ll be better without me. Yes, that’s what will happen. After this is all over, I’ll set her free. “Yes, my club is in danger.”
“Do you think they have plans to attack it?” my father asks.
“You heard Tommy. They had an inside man. Rocco knows the club inside and out.”
It takes twenty minutes for Michael to return, but once he does, he says, “I’m sorry I lost my cool.”
“You should have told me.”
“I didn’t know it was him until he was in the cell. I didn’t know his name, only his face.”
“It’s forgiven. Lie to me again, and I will have no mercy.”
“Understood, Boss.”
For the remainder of the evening, we go over everything Adriano found in the cabin as well as what we learned. There has been no trace of Rocco or the Joneses, but it’s only been ten hours. It could be a while before we snuff them out of their hiding spot.
The events of the day have finally sunk in, and all I want to do is go upstairs and climb into my bed. Rubbing my hands over my face, I tell my men, “Everyone tuck it in for the night.”
As everyone moves to exit, my father grips onto my shoulder. “Son, I’d like a word with you.”
“What is it?” I answer, staying back.
His look is intense and sincere as concern mars it. “Stella’s a good girl.”
I nod. “An angel, and?”
“Exactly, so don’t ruin her.”