Page 55 of Stolen Bride
“Yes, Boss. Have a good evening.” She nods and takes the now empty tray.
“How long has she been working here?”
“Since we opened the club. She’s the best server and knows not to try shit, so she’s the only one who gets to come up here to take orders.”
“She seems nice. She told off Camille when we came here that night.”
“The other guy didn’t care and served us in a heartbeat.” I wanted to smash his head in, but it was his job, so what the fuck was I supposed to do?
“Let’s dance,” Gracie says. She grabs Stella’s hand and drags her away from me. A growl comes from deep within. “My wife doesn’t dance in the club. You can have your own dance parties, but fuck if I want these pussies staring at her.”
“Same, babe.”
“Fine—then you both better dance with us.” She grabs Gabe, Stella takes my hand, and we dance in the VIP lounge. It’s surprisingly incredible having my wife shake her ass all over me while we find a nice rhythm to the music. Quickly I face the other direction because there’s no way I want to see my sister grind up on my best friend and underboss the way my wife is on me.
Two hours later a yawn escapes my wife, and I wonder if this was a bad idea. She’s pregnant, and it’s late. We pop down in the seats and drink a little more.
“Do you want to head home?” I ask.
“No, it’s your special night.”
“Baby, you’re sleeping on me,” I tell her, trying to explain that she’s got nothing left in her.
“I don’t mean to kill your buzz,” she huffs. She stands up and nearly trips over the table in front of us.
“We’re leaving,” I snarl. I won’t have her risking her health just to please me.
“No, you stay. I’m going home.”
“No, I’ll take you home.”
“No. You have to work, and I’m tired. I can call an Uber or something.”
“The hell you can. You all have a great night. My angel and I need to tuck in our baby for the night.” I shoot my driver a message to be ready in two minutes, and then I scoop her in my arms and carry my sleepy wife out of the club through the back while security watches our exit.
We’re about twenty minutes on the road when an unsettling feeling hits me. There are two vehicles following us, and they haven’t broken off.
I’m on the phone to Gabe and Adriano at the same time. “We’re being followed.”
“Fuck. Any ideas on who?”
“No. Any movement on Rodriguez?”
”No, he goes to work and does his job. His reports on the fires don’t add up, but everything else shows up clean.”
“What’s going on, Damiano?” Stella whimpers when the sounds of guns go off.
“Fuck, we’re on our way.”
“The vehicle’s armored, Amore. We’re going to be okay.” I yell to my driver, “Filo, drive faster and get us to my estate.”
I call my father. “We’re being chased about ten from my house.”
“Adriano sent out the code. Men will be on their way as well as at the estate. Mi figlio, be safe.”
“I am trying to protect my family.” Rage boils in me. As soon as I get these pricks, hell will be paid.
When they realize their weapons won’t penetrate, they go for ramming and that’s enough to set me off, but my driver is an expert. He maneuvers through their attempted pits. We’renearly to the estate, and then our gates slide open for us to get in. As we do, I say, “Stay down, Angel. It’s time for the devil to play.”