Page 31 of Caffeine & Chaos
“Ryan, my dear friend!” The stunning woman in the aquamarine dress, whom Nadia had observed exiting the limousine ahead of them, strutted confidently toward them. Not once did she cast a glance in Nadia’s direction, even though Ryan’s arm was intertwined with hers.
“Eleanor,” Ryan stepped towards her and smiled.
Eleanor threw her arms around Ryan’s neck, prompting him to withdraw his arm from Nadia. After the embrace, she deftly clasped Ryan’s hands, preventing him from returning his arm to Nadia’s side. Nadia simmered, recognizing this well-practiced tactic. She might have felt a flicker of jealousy in addition to her annoyance, if it weren’t for the fact that Eleanor Hunt was likely pushing fifty.
“It is so nice to see you! I have greatly missed our chats. How have you been keeping?” Eleanor asked, continuing to hold his hands.
“I’ve been very well, thank-you. It really has been too long since we last talked.” Ryan pulled one hand away, breaking her embrace. He tucked his hand behind the small of Nadia’s back and pulled her closer. “I’d like you to me-”
Eleanor cut him off, “I read the article in the paper about Markus. I am so sorry to hear. I knew from some of our discussions that he was troubled, but I had no idea he was that troubled.”
By this time, it was obvious that Eleanor was making a concentrated effort to ignore her. Nadia tucked herself in even closer to Ryan.
“Neither did I honestly. But let’s avoid all that ugliness tonight.” Ryan glanced at Nadia. “Where are my manners? Eleanor Hunt, I’d like you to meet Nadia Moore, my date.”
Being forced to acknowledge her presence, Eleanor turned her head towards Nadia. “Pleased to meet you darling.” A rehearsed smile spread across her face as she met Nadia’s eye.
“Lovely to meet your acquaintance as well.” Nadia smiled and nuzzled against Ryan’s neck, earning the slightest flash of disapproval from Eleanor. “That jewellery set is magnificent. It’s Cartier, right?”
Eleanor’s eyebrows popped up in surprise. “Why yes, it is.”
“From last year’s Winter Solstice Collection, I believe,” Nadia remarked, a twinge of surprise coursing through her as she realized she had just executed a maneuver straight from her mother’s playbook: the backhanded compliment.
Eleanor stumbled over her words for a moment. “Well, um, yes, I believe it is from last year’s collection,” she finally managed to say. Regaining her composure, she offered Nadia a cold smile. “I see you’re quite knowledgeable about jewellery.”
Nadia smiled. “I’ve been fortunate enough to be in the position to enjoy fine jewellery a few times in my life. Regardless of the year, they are timeless pieces.” Nadia said, unable to stop herself from getting in one last elitist jab.
“Thank-you.” Eleanor’s eyes searched the room before she turned to Ryan and continued, “it was so nice to see you again Ryan, if you’ll excuse me, I see Simone Letellier over there and I have some loose business ends to tie up with him.” She gave Nadia a curt nod and gracefully walked away.
A waiter came by with a tray of champagne and Ryan took a flute for each for them. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone put Eleanor in her place quite so eloquently” He chuckled.
He knew what she was doing? Nadia felt her face grow warm. “Well, she was being quite rude, don’t you think?”
“Absolutely she was. You got the upper hand on her pretty fast though.” He clinked his glass against hers and they both took a swig. “Another positive attribute to put on the list.”
“Just wait until I get you alone, you’ll need several new pages to write on,” Nadia said, licking her lips suggestively.
As they meandered through the ballroom, Ryan acknowledging, waving, and exchanging brief pleasantries with several acquaintances, Nadia found her thoughts drifting back to her exchange with Eleanor. The ease with which she had transformed into her mother was unsettling.
“You’re awfully quiet. What’s wrong?” Ryan asked, stepping around to meet her eyes.
“I was just thinking about that exchange with Eleanor.” She sighed heavily and shifted her eyes away from his. “Honestly Ryan, I moved from New York to get away from all that. The polite yet ruthless pissing contests of the rich and famous... I just want to have genuine conversations with people.”
Ryan pulled her into him and kissed her, his lips lingering for a moment before he pulled back and pressed his forehead against hers. “God, me too.”
Their private moment was cut short by an announcement: the fashion show was starting in ten minutes. With the lights dimming, guests began making their way to their assigned seats.
“Let’s pick this conversation up later.” Ryan gave her a quick peck on the lips and ushered her towards their seats along the side of the runway.
“I’m going to use the washroom before everything starts. I’ll find you in a few minutes,” Nadia said, excusing herself.
Nadia was washing her hands at the sink when a woman with short brown hair and a slight build came into the washroom. She pulled a tube of lipstick out of the pocket of her black dress suit and leaned into the mirror as she applied it.
“That bright red lipstick looks gorgeous on you. It really suits your complexion,” The woman said, looking at Nadia through the mirror as she pressed her freshly painted lips together.
“Thank-you,” Nadia said.
“Whose campaign are you working for right now?” The woman asked.