Page 19 of Forbidden Whispers
Maggie tossed up her hands in exasperation. “I don’t know, I haven’t thought about it.”
Jaime gave her a look. “Lie!”
“Oh, all right,” Maggie grumbled. “I’ve thought about it.”
“That red, ruched bodycon dress with the low back?”
“That seems a bit much,” Maggie said doubtfully.
“Oooh! I know. You should wear that black spaghetti-strap V-neck dress with the skater-style skirt. It’s a nice blend of casual and classy. Plus, it shows off your great legs.” Here Jaime reached over to pinch one of Maggie’s calves.
“Cut it out!” Maggie laughed, slapping Jaime’s hand away and curling her legs under her for protection. “Seriously, Jaime, you know that I can’t think of this as a true date. It’s business.”
This time it was Jaime who threw up her hands. “You do such an incredible job of creating perfect dates and love matches for your friends and your clients. But I’ve got to be honest with you, Maggie, you’re an epic fail when it comes to turning your famous skills on yourself. When I think about that loser you dated in high school, and then those two jerks from our freshman and sophomore years of college...” Jaime trailed off, shaking her head.
“Jaime, you know a big part of the problem with those relationships was my—”
“I still don’t buy that!” Jaime said, cutting her off. “I’m not denying what you’ve told me about your own issues. But those guys were egotistical jerks—totally into themselves—and they never treated you well.”
Maggie’s face flushed. She wanted to deny her friend’s words, but she couldn’t. She had bent over backward to be a great girlfriend to every guy she’d dated. But in return, she’d been taken for granted, used, and cheated on. All she ever wanted was to be romanced and to feel loved.
“Maybe you just need to look at yourself more objectively, think of yourself as another client,” Jaime said. “Look at Jack and me. We would never have gotten our happily ever after if it wasn’t for you and your mad skills, Emma.” Jaime put an extra emphasis on Maggie’s nickname.
Jaime and Maggie had met super nerd Jack Knightly at the same time, standing next to him at a party they’d attended their junior year of college. Jack was an environmental scientist going for his PhD. He’d been talked into attending the party by a fun-loving roommate who had promptly abandoned him upon arrival. Maggie had chatted with him for a bit and recognized his struggle with social skills. She’d noticed a box of conversation starter questions on a nearby table, and for fun she’d engaged with Jack by asking him the questions while Jaime had sipped her drink and searched for someone more interesting to talk to.
Maggie had been intrigued by Jack’s answers, and after Jaime had wandered off, they’d continued talking. Due to Maggie’s skills at connecting with people and drawing them out, Jack finally ended up confessing that he’d had a crush on Jaime for a while. He saw her every afternoon in the University Food Court and it was the highlight of each day. Like most men, he’d been struck by her beauty, but was too shy to ever approach her. “Besides,” he’d added. “A guy like me? And a girl like her? Never in a million years.”
But Maggie knew a potential love match when she saw one and set out to play Cupid for the couple. She remembered what Jack had said about the University Food Court, and for the next several days, she finagled for the two of them to run into Jack there. They had several conversations with just the three of them. But once it became apparent that Jaime and Jack actually enjoyed each other’s company, Maggie smoothly removed herself from the equation. Maggie was the Maid of Honor at their wedding and now godmother to baby Emma.
Maggie refocused on her friend’s face and sighed. “I know you’re right, and it’s frustrating. But the fact is, I’m great at playing matchmaker for everyone but myself.”
“Look, I may not know matchmaking, but I know fashion,” Jaime said. “And I order you to wear that little black dress tonight!”
Chapter 7
Noah took a deep breath and slowly let it out before lifting his finger to ring Maggie’s doorbell. He couldn’t believe he was about to take Maggie Milena out to dinner. This was something he’d dreamed about doing since he was sixteen years old. But it wasn’t a date, he reminded himself sternly, as much for Maggie’s protection as for his own. If she ever discovered the real reason he needed dating help, she’d not only drop him as a client, but most likely get as far away from him as possible.