Page 5 of Forbidden Whispers
Chapter 3
Noah held his breath in the darkness. He could feel Maggie trembling against the curve of his arm. He pulled her closer against him. The feel of her soft body tight against his and her delicious, enticing scent momentarily distracted him despite the imminent danger they suddenly found themselves in.
Footsteps clomped against the hardwood floor, then suddenly stopped. “What the—”
“Where is she?” This was another voice, deeper with a more gravelly timbre than the first.
Noah could hear the two men as they began moving through the living room and dining area, then down the hallway, clearly searching the rooms for Valentina.
In the darkness of the closet, Noah patted the dog’s head to help keep him calm while also trying to give Maggie a reassuring squeeze. Even as he tried to soothe them both through these actions, he was terrified. He had no idea what he’d do if they were discovered.
The two men now stood in the hallway just outside the bedroom where they hid.
“Do you think it’s the boyfriend? Did he do something to her?” This was gravel voice.
“I don’t know.” A long pause. “Something doesn’t feel right about all this though. Something’s off.”
“No kidding, Nick!” Gravel’s voice was sarcastic. “The place is trashed, Tina’s missing, and she’s not answering her cell!”
“That’s not what I mean,” the man called Nick replied in a growl. “First, there was the whole thing with Clarissa claiming she knew nothing about any bachelorette party vacation. And now...” There was another long pause, then, “We need to give Dom an update. We’ll start with that and go from there.”
The sound of the two men’s footsteps grew quieter as they made their way back through the condo and then out the front door.
Noah continued patting the dog and kept his arm firmly around Maggie. “Just wait.” He breathed the words, not trusting that the two intruders were truly gone.
Eventually, all that remained was an eerie stillness.
Several long moments of silence passed before Noah finally whispered, “I think it’s safe to get out of here now.”
Slowly, he turned the door handle of the closet and swung it open. The three of them stepped out of the closet, and he heard Maggie let out her breath at the same time that he did.
Boon looked up at them accusingly.
“I’m sorry, buddy!” Noah said, giving the dog a scratch behind his flopped-over ear. I know you’ve got to be sick of that closet.” The pup seemed to accept his apology without hesitation, offering a quick lick in response.
Maggie was still visibly shaking. She moved over to sink onto the bed, covering her face with her hands.
“Are you okay?” Noah said softly.
“No, I’m not okay!” she hissed, still keeping her voice quiet. “Who were those men?”
Noah looked helpless.
“Arrrghh!” Maggie groaned, shaking her head and frowning. “I can’t even believe this is happening. Do you think we should—” Her words were abruptly cut off as Boon suddenly jumped up onto the bed and climbed onto Maggie, forcing her backward on the bed by laying his furry body across hers.
Maggie was only a smidgeon over five feet tall. Her bare legs and sandal-clad feet dangled over the edge of the bed as she lay there sputtering protests at the dog’s fervent attempts to lick her face.
Noah choked down his urge to laugh at the sight of tiny Maggie lying there beneath an eighty-pound dog who looked like a thick, fuzzy blanket thrown over the top of her.
He approached the bed, about to make a joke. But instead, Noah felt conflicting emotions swell inside him as he looked down at her. She was so undeniably beautiful, her amber eyes wide, golden curls splayed out across the bed, framing her delicate features. She took his breath away. And part of him wanted to tell her so. But a much bigger part of him held back, uncertain how his words would be received.
While he stood there, Maggie made several failed attempts to move the massive dog off her prone body, her face growing red with effort. Finally, she looked at the frozen Noah. “Uh...a little help, please?”
“Oh, sorry!” He snapped out of his reverie and picked up Boon’s leash. “C’mon, boy, off!”
Boon instantly obeyed, jumping back onto the floor. He sat down quietly next to Noah as if nothing unusual had happened. But he was still watching Maggie, and she was eyeing him back with uncertainty.