Page 75 of Forbidden Whispers
Chapter 22
“I feel sick inside.” Maggie slumped on Jaime’s couch with a pillow covering her face. She’d finished everything required to transition Noah over to the Grand Rapids matchmaker, then she and Boon had headed over to Jaime’s so she could debrief.
“I have no sympathy for you,” Jaime said, cuddling sleepy Emma in her arms.
Afternoon sunshine slanted across the room, creating a warm and cozy ambiance that didn’t match Maggie’s mood at all.
“That’s way harsh, Jaime,” Maggie said, peeking at her friend from behind the pillow.
“Well, it’s the truth,” Jaime said. “I don’t understand you at all. You’ve been in love with this guy forever. He’s fun. He’s hot. And he’s into you. He even kissed you. Twice! And you think it’s somehow wrong to pursue a relationship with him?” Jaime shook her head in disbelief. “Maggie, you’re still sabotaging your own happiness.”
Maggie sat up and tossed the pillow aside. “I already explained—”
“Yeah, yeah,” Jaime said, cutting her off. “You’re in love with him but he doesn’t see you the same way. He’s always only thought of you as a friend. Blah, blah, blah. Well, feelings can grow, Maggie, if you would just give them a chance. Besides, in my experience, friends don’t make out.”
“We didn’t make out!” Maggie exclaimed, feeling heat burn her cheeks. “It was just a couple of kisses.” A couple of hot, toe-curling, heart-melting kisses that she would never be able to get out of her mind as long as she lived. “I told you, we both just got caught up in the tension of the situation we were in, and then the relief of finding Valentina. And remember,” Maggie added quickly, “you can’t say anything about that to anyone until she comes forward.”
“I understand,” Jaime said, settling her sleeping baby into the nearby pack-n-play. Then she came to sit beside Maggie on the sofa, angling to face her friend. “I still can’t believe all of that. I mean, the mafia, seriously?”
“Right?” Maggie said. “I can hardly believe it myself. To grow up with a father like that, a life like that.”
Jaime shook her head. “And the police still haven’t found those two guys that are after you all?”
“Nope,” Maggie said. “Hugo promised to call Noah the minute the police had them.”
“I think it’s so sweet that despite your attempts to blow him off, Noah wouldn’t leave you unprotected last night,” Jaime said, clasping her hands over her heart like she was watching a romance movie.
Maggie would never have admitted it out loud to Noah, but she’d actually been deeply touched by his concern for her. He’d slept on her uncomfortable, lumpy sofa for goodness sake. She sighed inwardly. Just one more reason to love the guy.
“Tell me more about this date you’re going on with him tonight,” Jaime said.
“Non-date,” Maggie emphasized. “It’s an open mic night at Lakeside Latté. It sounds like Olivia holds them on occasional weeknights throughout the summer. Noah volunteers with a music education program for kids and some of his students are going to be performing.”
“Oooh, that sounds fun!” Jaime said. “You know, I think Jack and I would enjoy that. And we could use a date night ourselves. Maybe I can rope Grandpa into babysitting Emma. What time is it?”
“He’s picking me up at seven so we can get a good table,” Maggie said.
“Seven, hmm? Should we go over your wardrobe choices again?” Jaime asked as she sent a text to her father. “You know how good I am at this. Let me help you put together a great look for your date.”
“It’s not a date!” Maggie said more loudly than she intended, making baby Emma squirm in her sleep. “And don’t even think about it!” she hissed at Boon, who had risen to his feet, clearly preparing to perform one of his infamous leaps onto her lap. Instead, he sat down and cocked his head, studying her with suspicion.
“I’m fine,” she said, returning his gaze.
“No, she’s not, Boon,” Jaime said, reaching down to pat the dog’s head. “She’s really, really not.”