Page 24 of The Packaged Deal
But there is a tension between Kandi and Adrian, and I don’t understand what it is. I fold my arms over my chest and glare at both of them in turn.
“I remembered something really important. I need to see Sven,” I announce to the silent car.
It’s like I put a flame on gasoline. The tension in the car gets so thick and hot that it’s a wonder we can breathe.
Well, isn’t that just telling?
“I, uh, think Sven will probably be busy,” Adrian says softly.
“All the same, find him,” I insist stubbornly.
“Jade, listen, he’s a really busy guy-” Kandi explains, but I sit forward and grip her plait, pulling her head back against the seat so I can put my lips against her ear.
“I need to see him. It’s urgent.” Just because I can, I flick my tongue out and taste her skin.
She groans and pulls her hair free of my grip. “I'll tell him to meet us at Adrian’s house.”
Adrian, my love, almost drives off the side of the road. “I don’t think-”
“Alpha, what are you scared of?” I purr. “I promise I won’t scare him that badly.”
Adrian rumbles a protest, and then presses his foot on the accelerator. “You’re a menace, Jade.”
I sit back, pleased. “I know, but you love me anyway.”
Neither of them says anything, but that thick tension dissipates when Adrian casts Kandi an exasperated look.
It’s been five weeks, and I feel great. But it’s time for me to move out of the refuge, especially since I've found my alpha. Which means I just need to convince him that he wants to keep me.
We pull up at what I assume is Adrian’s house, and I bounce out of the car before he can turn it off, but the sound of another car pulling up has me turning. Sven. Holy shit, even with thick glasses on that hide his eyes, he looks good. I run a hand over my tight teal dress and adjust the peasant sleeves of the under top. Yup, I look cute as fuck.
Time to make an impression.
He swings out of the car, his eyes finding Adrian and traveling up and down his body. Oh. OH! Then his gaze travels over Kandi, running down her body. I bite my lower lip as things become clearer.
“You have some information for me?” he asks them.
My temper surfaces, and I cross my arms under my chest, narrowing my eyes on him as he completely ignores me.
“No, I have information for you, but if you can’t play politely, Sven Mortenson, I can call Darion Raptore, and he can help me.”
He does a double take and sucks in a harsh breath. Now his eyes travel from the top of my head all the way to my toes and back up. I feel every single freaking moment of the caress, and by the time he’s done, I'm so hot and bothered I feel like I need an ice bath, and I know one thing for sure.
This man is definitely one of my alphas.
“What’s the information?” he growls and stalks towards me.
My heart jumps into my throat, and I have to bite back a smile.
“Buy me a drink first.”
He looks around, almost like he’s confused. “We’re at Addy’s house.”
“Sooo,” I drawl out, “you can still get me a drink first, right? I am parched.” I touch my throat and draw my fingers down my chest, stopping at the neckline of my dress. Argh, I can’t see if he’s looking because of those damn glasses, but judging by the way he swallows, I'm having some kind of effect.
“No. Tell me what you know or I'm leaving.”
“You'd leave me?” I ask in a soft, teasing voice.