Page 36 of The Packaged Deal
“Pays to be a doctor. You can heal, hurt, maim, or kill, and no one would be the wiser,” Kandi whispers. “I might be a kickass warrior woman, but your doc scares the stuffin’ out of me.”
I snicker. Stuffin’.
“Oh, I have some people I’d love to give an infectious disease. Maybe something with lots of pus and oozing sores?” I look hopefully at Adrian, who is arrested, staring at me in fascination.
“No, baby. I’m not giving you an infectious disease to poison your enemies with.”
I pout, but he returns to his phone call.
“None of your damn business, Darion. If I want my omega to go spreading typhoid, then she’s going to. Keep your nose out of my pack. Get ahold of him and tell him that if he’s not here by dawn, I will,” he pauses, and then his face darkens, “fuck it, I’ll crash his bike.”
Oh, damn, if that isn’t one of the hottest things I've ever heard. I squirm on the couch, almost panting.
Kandi gasps. “You can’t hurt Serge.”
“I can, and I will,” Adrian says firmly. “I know a guy with a crusher.”
“Serge?” I whisper.
“Sven loves his bike, more than he loves most people. It’s a good threat.” Kandi leans back. “But will the good doctor follow through?”
“You fucking bet I will. I’m not a doctor right now, I’m just the guy he-” Adrian cuts himself off, flashing Kandi a guilty look.
“You kissed him. I know,” Kandi says in a bored tone. “Honestly, I’m surprised you two waited as long as you did. Your love affair got boring about a year ago.”
“Are you mad?” Adrian’s cautious, but I don’t care because they are actually speaking. Communication is what will save us and keep us happy until we’re covered in wrinkles.
“Fuck no. It was clear as day that he loves you, and he loves me. But our darling Sven, he won’t have his cake and eat it, too. I've been trying to get him to admit it for months. It’s his determination to deny that’s been driving me crazy and has been causing me to lose my shit.”
“Hmmf.” I cross my arms and start pacing. “Why? Does anyone know why?”
“Bits and pieces,” Kandi says. She looks at Adrian, who nods in agreement.
“He’s told me some, but I’m not sure it’s the whole thing.” He hangs up the phone, and when I slip up beside him, he pulls me into his body, kissing the top of my head.
Which is a feat because he’s tall, and my ass is short.
“Hey, Kandi,” I say, grinning while I stand perfectly still, clinging to the stroke of genius that’s got me. “I have an idea. We need a phone to record video, and we need an alpha to record us.”
Kandi glowers at me. “This isn’t a good idea.”
“Trust me, it’s a great idea,” I purr and straddle her legs, dragging myself up against her until our chests brush with every touch. She’s not sure. But the minute I lean in, lowering my nose to her throat, she relaxes, her hands rising to rest on my back. All I want to do is squirm and get closer until our bodies are pressed even more firmly together. She is so soft and beautiful.
“Jade,” Kandi moans.
I pull back. “Start the recording.” I lean in slowly, in measured movements. The trouble with this plan is that I’m half using it as an excuse to touch the beta. I want her.
I do, and I want to know what she feels like and tastes like. I just want.
I angle my face towards her, but she turns her head at the last second. The rejection hurts, but I ignore it, pretending to kiss her, just like we said we would. I’m close enough that the air from our lungs is mixing before we both breathe it back in. The angle will make it look like we’ve locked lips, but in reality, there’s space. I hate the space.
Her hands roam up my back, and I moan, not at all feigned. I love her hands. Her citrus scent strengthens just a little bit.
I open my eyes and watch her. What would she do if I kissed her? I’m so tempted, more than I can say, but I remember the way she turned away. I can’t risk it. Instead, I thread my fingers through her hair and grind myself on her lap.
She gasps, and her head tilts back. I look at the long column of skin and lean in close, running my nose up until she’s shivering.
“You’re going to beg me for this one day,” I whisper to the beta.