Page 38 of The Packaged Deal
I can’t breathe. I keep opening my mouth, trying to suck in air, but there’s nothing. Black tinges my vision, and my legs collapse.
“What’s wrong with her?” Sven shouts.
“Panic attack,” Kandi says near my ear. “Just relax. It’s okay, you’re safe.”
I’m lifted into someone’s arms, and then we’re moving. He sits down and drags a blanket over me.
My chest tightness is easing, and I look up to find Sven staring down at me. His gaze is concerned but more, it’s penetrating, like he can see deep inside me and know what triggered it.
“Here, drink this, Jade,” Adrian says gently. He hands me a glass, and I take a mouthful. It burns, and I cough, but not for long.
“Where were you?” I ask Sven.
He closes his eyes as if he’s in agony. I can almost feel the pain he’s in, and suddenly, my wants and needs feel selfish. If being with us is so painful to him, wouldn’t it be wrong to force him here?
I struggle free of his lap and pace away, finding myself on the other side of the lounge.
“You three should talk. I’m going to be in the kitchen. I’ll wait for the food.”
“Are you all right now?” Kandi asks.
“I’m fine.”
“Sit down at the table, just in case you’re still dizzy. There’s a barrel of biscuits on the counter. Eat some,” Sven snaps.
“Yes, Daddy,” I murmur.
His glare turns scorching, and I make a mental note for later.
I sit in the kitchen on my own for a while before the doorbell rings. I can hear them talking. No one comes out, so I get up and open the front door.
Trevor smiles at me, all charm and sinister intent. His eyes are black and murderous, but maybe I’m imagining that because his eyes are brown. His hair is light brown. He’s taller than average and a bit overweight. He’s powerful and stronger than he looks. There’s nothing special or sinister about him until he looks at me the way he’s looking at me. Before I knew anything about him, my instincts screamed to be wary of a man wearing this expression. It’s a face that says, ‘I will hurt you, and I will love every moment of it.’
I’m so shocked I’m almost frozen. I can’t see anything but the twisted sneer of his lips and the hate-filled eyes.
“Hey, bitch. Found you!”
I slam the door on him, screaming. He fights for a moment, and then turns and runs. I open the door, going out onto the porch, trying to see where he’s run off to.
“What the fuck was that?”
“He found me,” I say weakly.
Sven charges out of the house, running for the street. A car starts up and squeals its tires as it takes off.
“He found me,” I say louder.
Adrian spins me around and bends until his head is on my level. “I don’t care if he found you. He can’t have you.”
“I agree,” Sven says darkly. He wraps one arm around my waist, pulls me up against him, and picks me up, walking us back into the house.
Kandi and Adrian come inside and lock the door.
“Now, let’s go have a chat,” Kandi says and ushers us all into the lounge room.