Page 76 of The Packaged Deal
“I know you are, so what am I?” Kandi retorts.
My eyes bulge, watching the pair of them.
I look back and forth between the siblings and try really hard to figure out what the hell to do in this situation. But somehow, the homicidal rage that Kandi was pouring into the air around us is gone. Sunny has grounded her back in the now. I need to learn that.
Luckily, a moment later, Soren appears and puts his arm through Sunny’s. He looks the same as last time I saw him, but for the suit and the newly dyed black and white hair. I study it in fascination.
“What’s wrong, Sunny?”
“Kandi says they’re not a pack.”
Soren frowns. “That’s ridiculous. You clearly are.”
I frown at the ground, and then force myself to smile. “Don’t worry about it. We don’t have to be pack to care about each other.”
“No!” Kandi barks so loudly several people jump and look at us.
“You are not going to be that for us,” she grabs my waist harder, pulling me closer to her. “You’re more than that.”
I shrug and gently pull myself free. “Kandi, everyone thinks I’m weird. I’m too sharp with my opinions, I talk too loudly, my hair is weird, my hobbies are odd-”
“You fit with us perfectly,” Adrian says and tugs me back into his arms.
I peer up at him, but I stay silent. If I’m so perfect for them, why do they keep trying to get rid of me all the time? I’m not sure I believe Adrian’s declaration now.
“Give us a moment to get our heads in the right place,” Adrian whispers to me. “Just a little bit of time. I promise, not much longer. I’ll fix it.”
I sag. I can’t refuse this man anything, and then I realise that he and Kandi have me virtually sandwiched in front of all their friends and family. In front of everyone who knows them. And all eyes are on us.
I clear my throat. “There are people watching us.”
“I don’t care,” Adrian whispers.
“Me, either.” Kandi cups my cheeks and kisses me again.
“All right you three, come on, let’s get out of here.”
I turn my head to find Sven standing there. He looks amazing in an all black suit, with a black shirt and tie. I really want to run my hands across his chest, but instead, when he holds out his hand, I put my fingers in it and allow him to pull me free.
He guides me past people who murmur their goodbyes. I vaguely recognise them, but I’m too busy trying to keep up with the alpha.
At last, we step through two huge glass doors and into the cold air. I shiver, but it’s more from reaction than actual cold. We stand there while a black SUV pulls up. The silence is fraught with unanswered questions and tension that I don’t know what to do with.
Sven helps me into the car, and then gets in the driver’s seat. Adrian gets in the back while Kandi climbs in the front.
“So, you want to tell me what happened tonight?” Sven growls.
I’m not sure who he’s talking to. “Well-”
“Not you.” Sven snaps. He turns his head to Kandi. “You were supposed to be working. How did that pack get close to her?”
Kandi hisses in annoyance. “I was talking to Missy about-”
“You abandoned your duties, and our omega got hurt-”
Our omega? I sit back with a smile, sinking into the faux leather.