Page 91 of The Packaged Deal
A woman comes up behind us. I don’t pay her that much attention until she puts an arm over Sven’s shoulder and leans in to him.
“Hey, baby, I heard you and Kandi broke up. So, you’re a free agent now. Want to get out of here?” Her fingers walk across his shoulder.
I stand up, edging around Sven and shoving her hand off him.
“Sorry, love, but he’s taken.”
She barely glances down at me. I curl my lip and reach for the fruit concoction that Fern discreetly slides down the bar towards me.
“Sven, I’ve missed you around,” she says and somehow manages to get right up against him again. Her scent is offensive.
I roll my eyes. “Who’s your friend, Svenny?”
The bitch finally looks at me. I smile widely and sip the fruit drink. Ew, this is as nasty as the beer. It really is. How do people drink this? She’s pretty, with white blond hair and legs that go on forever. She’s almost as tall as Sven.
“And who are you?” She sneers at me.
“I’m sorry. My name’s Jade, and this is my alpha that you’re pawing.”
She lets out a peal of laughter that should be in a movie. I grind my teeth. Not okay.
“Aw, sweetheart, you need to be over the age of sixteen to be in here. Best get home to mummy.”
I twist under Sven’s arm, putting me between the woman and Sven. I hold up my drink. “Want to try?”
“Uh, no.” She smirks over me, straight at my alpha. MY alpha!
“Listen, Angelica, it’s fine. I’m busy tonight,” Sven says in a bored tone.
I snap my head towards Sven. “And every night hereafter. Forever,” I enunciate clearly.
Sven rubs the bridge of his nose.
“Oh, don’t go down this road, Alpha. It will get bloody, and I promise you won’t win,” I whisper up at him. “You belong to me, so tell your harlot friend, and let’s go.”
“You promising me a good time, Jade?” Sven whispers, and I’m surprised to find this crazy SOB smirking at me.
I raise an eyebrow. “Lose the bitch, Alpha, and we can talk.”
Sven’s lips quirk upwards, but the truth is neither of us has paid the woman even a shred of attention.
She says something else, and my temper spikes at the coral-coloured nails on his shirt. I take a step, pretend to trip, and spill my fruity cocktail all over her.
She squeals. I wince but can’t hide my smile.
“You bitch!” she shouts.
She lashes out, but Sven’s faster.
“You don’t lay hands on my omega.” Sven steps in front of me and lets out a low warning growl.
Angelica gives him a scathing look of disgust and turns on her heel and stalks off.
Oh, be still, my poor little omega heart. That was the hottest thing I’ve seen him do. And I’ve watched him workout with Kandi.
He barely gives her a second glance before he’s pushing me up against the bar. I can smell the sticky scent of alcohol and more powerful licorice.