Page 27 of Freeing My Alpha
Noah pauses, his hot breath pulsing against my cheek. “Is it okay?”
Reaching behind us to grip Noah’s ass, I shove my hips back.
“Oh, fuck—” Noah groans. With one slow thrust, he pushes his full length into me, his hips meeting my ass. “Oh, it’s— It’s not just going to be your new favorite.”
I can’t laugh. My jaw drops at how rich this angle feels, Noah’s tip rubbing directly against my G-spot. I whimper, my feet curling as I grip fistfuls of the sheets. With my head facing forward, Noah drops his forehead between my shoulder blades. His knees compress the comforter beside my wriggling legs, and with how soaked I am for him, Noah can move faster and deeper than my body usually allows us so soon. Within seconds, his hips can smash against my ass so deeply that each thrust ends with a soft clap.
As he presses one hand into the base of my back, pinning me to his heightening thrusts, something primal unlocks. I can’t contain my moans, lifting my ass to meet him. Noah thrusts faster, his chest bumping my back as he somehow pushes even deeper. Each slap of his hips against my ass rubs my clit against the pillow, filling my whole abdomen with hot, rising pleasure.
My wolf speaks through me with a moan. “Alpha! More—”
Noah’s half-shifted growl sparks a delighted cry from me; he’s adding an extra little tilt of his hips at the end of each thrust like he can’t mate me hard enough. It’s just the right angle to add an intense, billowing pressure against my G-spot. Within seconds, fluid builds in me. I recognize the sensation immediately, breaking into unrestrained moans.
“Noah! It’s—” I squeeze the plushy comforter tight in both fists, presenting myself higher for him on instinct.
He growls against my cheek. “What is it, gorgeous? I can tell you like that.”
I groan, my toes curling as he repeats the action. “You’re— You’re about to make me squirt a lot—”
Noah’s moan shifts into a rumbling growl against my back, his fangs extending. I expect him to mate me faster, but instead, he flops his whole weight over me, shoving his hips as tight as he can against my ass. He was right; I feel like we’re cuddling from head to toe, my mate rubbing the deepest massage he can into me with how thick he grows. I drop my jaw, each push of his hips stimulating satiated cries from my lips.
The pressure between my legs only rises. I face forward again, my claws extending beyond my control. They puncture the duvet with little snap after snap of the threads.
But Noah’s hands crash down on mine, just before he breaks into relentless, slapping thrusts. His claws rip through the duvet between my fingers, shredding all the way to my bedsheets. I can hardly breathe as he releases every ounce of building pressure between my legs, a flood of wet heat splashing my thighs.
“Fuck, yes— What a good—” Noah growls, arching up over my back. As he grasps my ass with both hands, he kneads a heftier rush of fluid from my pussy. Drool escapes my lips as my thighs twitch, feeling the start of Noah’s knot bulge between my legs. “What a good girl.”
My hips raise off the bed as I come, twisting in Noah’s hands. He rocks fast and hard into me, pulling every tingle out of my nerves until I’m washed in pleasure. It has nowhere else to escape me except my bleating lips: the heat of his hands, sharp lust in his rutting scent, and his tender focus on my pleasure echoing through me.
Noah stops with a tender press into my core, his tip applying heavy pressure against my cervix as he knots me. A hard lump traps his engorged shaft between my legs, leaving me to gasp through the intense, leftover pleasure.
As Noah collapses against my back, we hold hands so tightly that it almost hurts. I glance over my shoulder to find his forehead coated in sweat, but his eyes are just as bright with passion for me.
Our silence is warm—until Noah groans. “Fuck, I’m so sorry. I’ll buy you new bedding.”
We break into sleepy, delirious giggles, interrupted by Noah flexing hard into me. Shuffling against each other, we sink into a deeper cuddle with pleased hums.
Our favorite post-knot activity is pillow talk, but we can’t stop softly kissing as we stare into each other’s eyes. God, I’ve never loved anyone this deeply. I can’t believe this started because we’re both craving to become parents together.
Noah’s hammering heart against my back is still struggling to recover, but our bond tells me it’s not just physically; his emotions overflow with adoration. He’s just as in awe of our connection as I am. It’s almost scary, my soul winding so tightly with his that I don’t know who feels what in our bond; we’re just one massive ball of love.
“I love you so much,” I whisper.
Noah purrs, pressing another kiss into my cheek. “Goddess, I love you more than anything.”
“I can’t move, Noah. I’m a wet noodle.”
His sleepy chuckle against my lips cradles my heart. “That’s okay. I’d lay here with you forever, if I could.”
As Noah and I curl up in my bed, turning into sleepy mush in each other’s arms, I’m left in turmoil; I don’t want to wait.
It’s not because I feel rushed to get pregnant, or only because I want to be a mom anymore. It’s because by carrying Noah’s baby, I’ll be providing the world with just a bit more of Noah’s love.
I want to extend the existence of his affectionate soul, leaving his mark on the world for generations to come. I want him to look at my pregnant body and know that I chose him to birth a child with, despite it being my most vulnerable life dream. I want to share the love in our bond with everyone we meet, starting with nurturing our child with the knowledge we could change at least their life for the better. But if they’re Noah’s child, I know it’ll extend beyond our family. Any child raised by Noah’s kind heart will have the power to change the world with just their warm embrace.
I’m dying to see it unfold, firsthand. To hold his child, and care for them just as deeply as I care for him. To live every second of our child’s life with my mate until we die.
With how tender my heart is for Noah’s every breath against my cheek, I know I’m ready to be a mom for this man’s children. Not soon, but now.