Page 30 of Freeing My Alpha
“Exactly. And now that you did meet Noah, Kira and I were talking about having kids of our own too, not just co-parenting with you as your baby’s secondary caregivers.”
A spike of concern ripples through our bond. I glance at Noah, but his eyes remain trained on Amy’s anxious hands.
But Amy’s fearful glance pulls my focus back to her. “I hope that’s not disappointing, and I didn’t want to move ahead without you, but—”
“A.,” I rub her shoulder, giving her a soft smile. “Breathe. I’m not mad.”
“You’re not?”
“I didn’t exactly ask your permission when Noah and I started having sex either. We could’ve already been pregnant. Plus, the three of us only discussed it as a possibility in the near future, but then I said I wanted to go on a few more dates first for a year or two to be sure I wouldn’t find my soulmate out there, remember?”
She shrugs, her lips wobbling through fresh tears. “I know, but I didn’t want to disappoint you. I just know how much this means to you, and—” She shakes her head, dissolving into full tears.
All I can do is rub her shoulder. I’m a little shocked, staring at my best friend through this severe of upset for what feels like the first time—at least other than the week Amy met Kira and had an epic meltdown the first night they spent apart.
But there has to be something deeper in Amy’s tears than just breaking our almost-agreement. I chew on my lip, struggling to figure it out. It’s not easy when I also have a whirlwind of emotions blasting through our bond, and I can’t figure out what my mate is thinking either.
Until Noah wraps his arm around Amy and I, pulling the three of us into a side hug. His voice is gentler than usual. “It means a lot to you too, doesn’t it? Becoming a mom.”
Amy’s soft cries pause—until they erupt. She breaks into full-blown sobs, nodding her head as Noah and I share a pained glance.
“Yes, I—” Amy’s cries choke out her words. “I’m really afraid I’ll fuck it all up somehow. What if I’m not cut out for this?”
For the first time since I entered Amy’s apartment, my shoulders relax. I smile, running my fingers through her hair. “Guess what, A.?”
Amy groans, “Oh, Aliya, don’t—”
“Maybe you will fuck something up,” I say. Amy glares, but the second we meet eyes, we burst into laughter. “Or...”
“Maybe I won’t, I know. I set myself up for that one.”
I settle against her side, relishing in my two best friends smiling next to me. “I know I’m not hard to predict, but I’m serious, A. I’ve always been terrified I’ll fuck up everything in the world, but especially motherhood. And I honestly don’t think there’s a parent out there who hasn’t screwed up, at least a little.”
Amy shrugs, her forehead warping back into overwhelm.
“That doesn’t mean you’re not cut out for this,” I say.
She huffs. “But I’m not like you, Aliya. I don’t have that sweet, nurturing side that kids are drawn to, and I don’t have Kira’s goofy side that would make them laugh.” I glare at her, and Amy laughs. “Don’t look at me like that!”
“Don’t talk to my best friend like that, then!” I rub my forehead into her shoulder until she falls onto her side of the mattress in a giggling heap. “I don’t know where this is coming from after I’ve spent my whole life laughing beside you, and being comforted by your presence.”
Amy is silent for a long while.
My stomach squirms, especially as Noah remains more silent than usual, his swirling emotions in our bond leaving me curious and confused.
But as Amy dissolves into soft sniffles, my heart breaks.
“What’s wrong, really?” I ask.
“They sent us a photo,” Amy whispers.
My heart skips. “Of a pup?”
Amy reaches for her phone, tapping her passcode wrong twice with shaky fingers. By the time she finally unlocks it, her ribcage tightens in my arms with her held breath.
Amy pulls up a picture of a small Lycan pup, and the air is sucked from my lungs too. The second I see this sweet baby’s tight brown curls, round, curious eyes, and pouty bottom lip, I know in my heart she’s Amy and Kira’s. I cover my gaping mouth, my forehead contorting through fresh tears.
Amy does a double-take over her shoulder. “No, Aliya! Stop it!” She lets out a sharp sob, and we both dissolve into weepy, disastrous laughter. “Dammit! She’s just—”