Page 58 of Freeing My Alpha
I sigh, my eyelids fluttering through Noah’s gentle kisses on my cheek. “Yes, my love. Let’s go.”
Walking hand in hand, we make our way to the Full Moon Ceremony.
This time, I’m involved in the ceremony process too.
“Welcome to Greenfield, Omega.” Noah’s soft voice carries across the mossy hill we use as a stage, warming my soul along with the newest pack Omega’s smile.
The Omega approaches me after Noah's welcome, already weeping. I embrace them, just like I’ve done with every Rogue wolf who joins our pack. Then I lick their bleeding palm, healing Noah’s pack entrance bite.
I can't believe it. Every single wolf looks so touched. All we had to do was accept them.
I expect to feel exhausted from being around so many strangers, but their joy invigorates me. With every wolf diving into my arms for comfort, the pack bond strengthens. I feel so important. Like I was made by the Moon Goddess, just for this purpose.
Noah can’t stop beaming at me, wiping his stray tears when I meet his eyes and smile back.
I was playing around earlier when I told Noah I wanted to heal here tonight, but it's coming true. My heart is so full.
Then the mating ritual begins.
“Come with me, future Luna.” Lilian takes me by the hand, guiding me to a massive field. Noah trails us, his hand on my lower back.
The three of us wait in silence as mates disperse throughout the field, courting each other in their human forms. The pairings are more than just Alpha-Omega mates: Beta-Omega, Alpha-Beta, Alpha-Alpha, and so on, some mated in packs of triple, quadruple, or more mates. While Noah made it sound like they’re lacking in progress with wolf sexes, I’m relieved wolves are open to different genders and sexualities. I’ve witnessed plenty of examples of it since joining Greenfield Pack, but I can’t help but weep as open displays of love bloom all around me. Safety burrows a little deeper into my heart.
Regardless of their wolf sexes, all mates here want to be witnessed as they mate. Not just by us; they want to be blessed by the Moon Goddess’s gleaming, silver eye.
The pack believes She doubles or triples the chances of pregnancy, particularly for Omegas. But fresh mates can also mark each other for the first time, bonding beneath the Moon Goddess’s gaze.
Some mates in the field shift into wolves to privately mate in the forest, but most don’t: bare, human bodies grinding until they connect. All of them, however, really get down to business, no matter who’s watching.
As various moans echo across the field, the accumulating lusty scent in the wind floods my groin with heat. My cheeks flush in embarrassment, no matter how prepared I was for this.
When the first pair knots, I suck in a sharp breath at its raw power: jaws gaping, bodies cinched tight, and heads nuzzling. Is that what Noah and I look like every time? I swear I just felt their souls merging from here.
Shame strikes my gut for intruding on something so intimate, but Noah strokes my back.
“It’s okay. They want us to watch. But if you’re not comfortable with it, you’re not required.”
“I’m okay, just new to it,” I whisper. It feels like if I speak too loudly, I’ll break the intimate trance around us. But regardless of our whispers, the moans across the field only intensify.
“Do you remember how to bless them?” Lilian’s smooth, stoic voice interrupts my thoughts.
I nod, recalling Lilian’s instructions from our weekly Luna-training meetings. “Yes.”
“Good. We’re starting, then.”
Lilian hasn’t let go of my hand. Which means when she charges toward the first knotted couple, I’m stuck stumbling after her whether I want to or not.
The knotted mates nuzzle, still breathless and moaning. My heartbeat skyrockets, unsure where to look at their nude, vulnerable bodies.
But Lilian softens her stoic frame, lacing the air with her comforting scent in a pheromonal hug. She makes eye contact with the knotted Omega, his eyes glazed with leftover lust. It inspires a genuine smile I’ve never seen on Lilian, a maternal admiration shining through her grin.
She smooths his short, black hair back into place. “Hello, gorgeous Omega. Where would you like me to bless you?”
“My head, please, Luna.” The Omega squeezes Lilian’s hand. But then he turns to me, weeping. “And my womb, please, future Luna. We want a pup so badly.”
My heart rate spikes, but I put on a gentle smile for him. “Okay, sweet wolf. I’d love to help.”
I can’t believe he’s asking me to bless his womb and not Lilian. I hope she’s not offended.