Page 77 of Freeing My Alpha
Noah stops growling, his eyes tightening into a disgusted squint.
Which means he's using the same tactic a third time, mentioning me to make you vulnerable and upset, I mindlink.
Shit, you're right. God, he's so fucking obnoxious.
He is, and I think it's on purpose. He knows he's at a loss, and this is his last-ditch effort: he’s hiding something serious enough to keep pushing back, even when he's cornered. My tail curls over my ankles as I sit on my haunches. But he doesn't stand a chance against my gorgeous, powerhouse Alpha, does he?
Noah’s growl is cut off by my compliment, his chest puffing with pride. Mate...
I can’t help but wag my tail. There's my big, goofy Alpha.
As Noah releases a delighted purr, it finally feels safe to approach. Rubbing myself along Noah's side, I soak him in my adoring scent. I love you. We’re okay. I love you.
Noah’s ears soften. But then he sneezes in annoyance. I’m not going to drop him.
You're at a standstill if you keep him pinned, my adorable Alpha. Something has to change to resolve this. There's no way Mason will give us any information if we don't play into his cards a little.
Noah’s wolf gives me a wavering grumble despite flashing his puppy dog stare. Sweet Omega, I don't like the sound of that...
At this point, he's only gathering tactics to piss you off more. Let's try our hand at his game. Let him go to trap him further.
Ugh... Only because I love you, and you're a damn genius. Noah’s eyes squint into irritated slits, rapid flicks of his left ear telling me he hates everything about this. But you should be the one to order us to play nice. It'll piss him off the most.
I can hardly resist wagging my tail, but I force myself to regain my composure. It’s time to mindlink everyone present at once. Play the game.
Enough of this. Let’s have a rational, adult discussion, I say. Please drop him, Alpha.
Yeah, Alpha, drop me.
Mason’s grating response charges me from nose to tail with rage, making me lose sight of our game just as it started.
Noah growls at Mason, but I snarl so viciously that both of them flinch.
Don’t forget what I look like when you attack my mate. If you try anything, I’m even more prepared for you this time.
Mason’s ears flatten, his breath rapid. He can’t bear to look into my eyes. After a few silent seconds, Mason growls. Fine. I’ll stay and talk.
Noah puffs his chest even higher as he beams at me. My feisty Omega.
Releasing Mason, Noah makes every other wolf pace with his vigilant stance. We circle Mason, but the beaten down Alpha shakes his coat clean of dirt and slobber.
Is this a dictatorship now, Alpha? No one can challenge you?
Noah rotates one ear back as if Mason is speaking gibberish. You made this personal, Hart. No Alpha would let this slide, especially not when you keep involving my mate.
When did I ever involve her? I’ve only gone after you. Or are you admitting all Omegas are weak and biologically dependent on us, after all?
Noah bristles, and I rub against his shoulder.
Giving into his manipulation is a waste of energy. He knows exactly what he’s doing.
Noah stares deep into Mason’s eyes. A tense, extensive silence falls over the forest. I’m tempted to shiver.
Low, dark rumbling erupts from Noah’s chest. I'm going to ask you this one more time only, Hart. Are you going to shift into your human form? Or are you going to make a social enemy of yourself in the eyes of the pack?
Mason’s tail wags, but it’s not a happy wag. It’s a cornered, agitated wag.
Warning signals alarm in my head. Varying scents clash around me in dissonant chords as every wolf bristles.