Page 13 of Pisces Rising
This seemed to put Cancer at ease. “I’m glad the echoes of our history help you trust me, even without your memories.”
She withdrew her hand and traced her finger along the rim of her cup. "But there is something I must tell you.” Her gaze locked on Pisces as if they were the only two in the room. “It’s about Aries?—”
As if summoned from the Earth's molten core, the front door of Cancer’s cottage flung open, shattering the stillness. Sagittarius rose to his feet, his lithe frame exuding a quiet strength as he regarded Aries with a cool, measured gaze. Though not overtly confrontational, his posture conveyed a silent warning—a reminder that he would not hesitate to defend Pisces if needed.
Pisces whirled around, her breath catching in her throat at the sight of the familiar figure.
“Plot twist,” Gemini quipped, her sarcasm failing to lighten the energy in the room.
Aries stood before them, his imposing form, horns and all, silhouetted against the fading sunlight beyond the cottage door. His dark eyes burned with an intensity that sent shivers racing down Pisces’ spine.
“I was trying to tell you,” Cancer said, her voice quiet and her eyes wide with fear. “Aquarius called. She said Aries was on his way here.”
In that moment, Pisces wished she could transform into water and flow from the room like the receding tide.
“Hello again, Pisces,” Aries said, his tone low and dangerous, his intentions unclear. Pisces’ gaze flicked from Aries to Sagittarius, who had positioned his body protectively between her and the fiery ram.
Aries smiled darkly with an amused twinkle in his eye. “It’s been a long time, my wandering brother.”
A muscle ticked in Sagittarius’ jaw. “We aren’t looking for a quarrel, Aries. We’re only trying to help.”
Aries gave a mocking shrug as the muscles of his arms tested the limits of his black t-shirt. As if on command, Aries’ horns retreated. “Quarrel? I’m not here to quarrel. I’ve simply come to retrieve our dear Pisces here.” His gaze landed on her like a boulder.
Gemini squirmed, her eyes revealing a hint of amusement at the scene unfolding.
“Why?” Pisces asked, her voice shaking. “Where do you plan to take me?”
The fire crackled and popped, casting eerie shadows across Aries' face as he stood there, dominating the energy in the room. “Back to the stars.”
Pisces took a deep breath and tried to steady herself, unsure what would unfold in this quiet little cottage by the sea.
The tension in the cottage was suffocating, the air thick with unspoken questions and lingering fears. Aries towered over them all, his imposing presence casting a long shadow across the room.
Aries’ revelation that he intended to bring her back to the stars sounded like a threat. In what way, Pisces didn’t yet know, but she was grateful to have Sagittarius as a buffer between them. The two male Zodiacs may have differed in size, but she suspected they were nearly equal in power. “I don’t think it’s safe for her there right now.” Sagittarius spoke to Aries in a respectful tone that carried the edge of a warning.
Aries chuckled. “I didn’t ask for your opinion, Sagittarius. She’s coming back with me.”
“Hang on a second,” Cancer interrupted the two fire signs and raised her hand. “You haven’t even heard them out, Aries. Isn’t it better to work together on this?”
Like ocean mist, Pisces felt the faint energy of Cancer’s calming waves brush her skin. Cancer threw her a quick wink and turned her attention back to the fire she was trying to quell.
“I don’t need your help,” Aries responded, his dark energy receding slightly. “For all I know, you could have had something to do with this.”
Sagittarius made a face, expressing how ridiculous that statement was. But before he could respond, Pisces jumped to her feet, feeling emboldened or possibly drunk from Cancer’s mist, and declared, “It doesn’t matter what you think. I’m not going with you.”
A growl rolled through Aries’ chest. It seemed he wasn’t used to being refused.
Suddenly, Gemini's melodic voice cut through the tension like a knife. “I’m pretty sure Taylor Swift wrote a song about this.”
“Gem,” Sag warned, tilting his head toward her.
“What?” Gemini shrugged, her eyes sparkling with mischief. She leaned forward and rested her elbows on the table, ready to mediate the battle between fire and water. “Okay, okay, everyone, just settle down. This back-and-forth won’t get us anywhere.” She pointed to Aries. “So, you’ve got a plan,” she pointed to herself and Sag, “and we’ve got a plan.” Then she looked at Pisces. “The problem is whether you like it or not, our little fish here is the one to decide.”
Aries’ eyes narrowed on the green-eyed sprite, who challenged his gaze with a placating smile. “You can’t just burst in here like Tarzan and haul her back to Star Castle, Aries. That’s never worked for you before, so don’t start trying to take advantage of the situation.”