Page 41 of Pisces Rising
As the others began filing out, leaving to make preparations for the journey ahead, Pisces hung back. Aries also lingered, his handsome features now etched into a pensive frown.
When they were alone at last, he turned to face her fully, his dark eyes burning with a haunted look she had never seen before. Slowly, almost hesitantly, he reached out to take her hands in his firm grip. "Pisces..." he began, faltering, visibly struggling to voice the turmoil roiling within him. "What you saw...what Sagittarius showed us both..." He trailed off, jaw clenching as if fighting against the tide of darkness lapping at his resolve. Pisces could feel the tension and anguish radiating off him in waves—the burden of responsibility weighing heavily upon his shoulders.
"I should never have fallen for Dark Gemini's deceptions," he gritted out, the words seeming to pain him. "I put my trust in her lies, believed her to be you, and committed...unforgivable acts in that state of depravity. And then I struck you down, like a blundering fool?—"
His voice rose, the self-loathing and disgust palpable in every syllable. "I'm Aries, the warrior of the stars, forged in the fires of the cosmos itself. I should have seen through her illusions, should have known it wasn't you. But instead, I let myself be played like a damn puppet, dancing to her twisted tune."
He wrenched his hands from Pisces’ grip, turning away as if unable to bear the sight of her. His shoulders heaved with the force of his rage, the air around him shimmering with the heat of his barely contained power.
"I'm supposed to be the protector, the one who strikes down the enemies of the Zodiacs without hesitation or mercy. But when it mattered most, I failed. I failed you, Pisces. And I don't know if I can forgive myself for that."
"Aries." Pisces’ gentle but firm voice cut through his tirade. She stepped forward, placing a hand on his trembling shoulder and turning him to face her again. "You were deceived by an unfathomable evil. What wasn't your fault."
He opened his mouth as if to protest, but she pressed on, conviction ringing in her words.
"The only one to blame is Dark Gemini herself." Her jaw clenched, a renewed surge of determination coursing through her. "And I fully intend to make her pay for the betrayal and devastation she's wrought and bring the real Gemini back to life."
Aries stared at her, seeming to draw strength from the steely resolve burning in her eyes. Slowly, the anguished lines eased from his features as he let the weight of his guilt begin to dissipate.
"You're right," he murmured, his voice still rough with emotion. "I can't let this break me. I am Aries, the undefeated warrior of the stars. And I will not rest until Dark Gemini is brought to justice and your power is restored."
He straightened his shoulders, the familiar fire of determination and aggression rekindling in his eyes. "We'll fight this. Together. And the universe will tremble before our combined might when we're through."
Pisces offered him a reassuring smile, her affection for the steadfast warrior plain in her gaze. Then, standing on her tiptoes, she pressed her lips to his in a fervent, searing kiss that banished any lingering traces of doubt or turmoil.
When they finally parted, foreheads resting together, Aries let out a slow breath—as if releasing the last remnants of his inner demons.
"Let's go get your power back," he rumbled, the promise in his words resonant and absolute. "And show Dark Gemini the true wrath of the Zodiacs unleashed.
Virgo worked in focused silence, his deft fingers manipulating the celestial controls with practiced ease. Pisces watched, her breath caught in her throat, as an ethereal rift began to open before them—a shimmering portal that would serve as their gateway to the stars.
One by one, the Zodiacs stepped through the undulating vortex, their expressions a blend of grim determination and thinly veiled trepidation. Scorpio cast Pisces one last inscrutable look before disappearing into the cosmic breach, Capricorn close on his heels.
As the last of them vanished, Virgo turned to face Aries and Pisces. "I'll go through last to stabilize the rift from the other side," he explained, his voice pitched to carry over the low thrum of celestial energy. Aries gave a curt nod of understanding, his arm snaking around Pisces’ waist in a protective embrace. "Let's go," he murmured, leveling her with a look that simultaneously reassured and smoldered with promise.
Squaring her shoulders, Pisces allowed Aries to lead her into the heart of the shimmering portal. Instantly, she was assailed by a dizzying vortex of light and celestial energy—whirling nebulae and gaping black holes flickering past in a chaotic, disorienting rush.
She clung to Aries, grateful for his solid anchoring presence amid the cosmic frenzy. Just when she thought the turbulence would overwhelm her senses entirely, they emerged into the still calm of their destination. Pisces blinked, her eyes adjusting to take in their new surroundings. They stood upon what appeared to be a celestial construction site—towering spires of gleaming material loomed overhead while unfinished structures and half-formed foundations dotted the floating realm.
A deep, rumbling baritone cut through the stillness. "Well, well...what have we here?"
Pisces turned to see a tall, powerfully built figure striding toward them, a roguish grin curving his full lips. Taurus cut an impressive figure—light brown, tousled hair framed a handsome face, while his aura radiated an earthy strength and sensuality.
"A phone call first would have been nice," he drawled, arching one thick brow as he regarded the Zodiac with amused curiosity. His gaze settled on Pisces, a mix of admiration and sympathy in his eyes. "I see losing your power hasn't diminished your ethereal beauty." He lifted her hand and kissed it, his lips brushing against her skin with a gentle touch.
Aries bristled, a low growl rumbling in his chest, but Pisces placed a calming hand on his arm before he could vaporize the flirtatious bull. Taurus's manner might ruffle feathers, but she could sense the core of unwavering loyalty and dependability that formed his unshakable foundation.
"We didn't exactly have time for pleasantries, Taurus," Pisces said diplomatically. "There's been...a situation."
The bull's grin faded, his expression turning serious as he took in the grim-faced assembly before him. Before he could respond, however, a shimmering rift split the cosmos once more—heralding the arrival of two more figures.
The first to emerge was a vision of ethereal beauty and grace—Libra seemed to glide more than walk as she approached, her delicate features reminiscent of a Renaissance masterpiece. Soft waves of chestnut hair framed her face, while her lithe form was draped in delicate robes that swirled with each elegant movement.
In stark contrast strode Leo, every inch the embodiment of regal, primal power. A mane of tawny waves framed his chiseled face while powerful muscle rippled beneath his sun-kissed skin. His intense amber eyes seemed to smolder from within, burning with the same fierce light as the celestial orb he was named for.