Page 102 of Good Enough
“Oh, I’m not forgetting. But even God makes mistakes, Waters, and this is definitely a mistake. A big one that was made in a time of extreme grief. You know it. We know it. And I’m betting the guy upstairs does, too, but he’ll never admit it.” Midas looked at him intently through the computer screen. “I’m just having a really difficult time understanding why you’re not fighting for her. Do you honestly believe she’s not worth it? We all know you love her. But here you are, refusing to go to her.”
Waters shook his head. “I can’t, Midas.”
“Why ever not? Christ, you really are an idiot, aren’t you? You can do whatever the hell you want. We’ve got your back as far as God’s concerned. Our loyalty is to you, not him. He just signs our checks. And if it’s her that’s holding you back, grow a set. You may have to grovel a bit to get her back, but Jesus, do it, for fuck’s sake.”
“I would in a heartbeat, Midas, but God has made it very clear where he stands.”
“Has he? Has he really? I wonder. I wasn’t aware he’d even once said anything about how he feels about you and Kubrick.” Midas shook his head. “I need a break.” Waters’ screen went blank as Midas cut the feed on his end.
Fuck. Was Midas right?
Kai breezed through Big Bird’s door, threw her Backpack of Death on the floor, and then intercepted his administrative assistant from closing the door.
“Leave it open, please, Felicity. I would prefer at least one witness to our final conversation.”
“Close the damn door. This is a private conversation.”
“Leave it open, Felicity, or I walk and call a meeting of the board members.”
The producer began to grind his teeth but waved off his assistant with the command of, “Hold my calls.”
Not until the man sat behind his desk did Kai sit in one of the uncomfortable chairs in front of Big Bird’s desk.
Another fucking power play. Uncomfortable chairs mean uncomfortable people who will be distracted and agree to things quickly to get out of this office. I wonder how many people have gotten screwed out of millions because of these goddamned chairs.
“The final edits are done. All paperwork has been filed. The picture is officially finished.”
Big Bird grunted. “Unfortunately, it is unlikely to get to the theaters.”
Kai’s gaze narrowed. “And just why would that be, Craig?”
“Because the picture is not good quality. It’s been a waste of money from the minute you were hired.”
Crossing her legs, Kai picked imaginary lint off of her black leggings as she counted to ten in her head. She needed to go all the way to twenty-two before she was able to speak without yelling. “Bullshit. And even if that were the case, the blame would be with you as you hired me.”
“I didn’t want you. Kowalski convinced the rest of the board that you were the best choice. I tried to explain to him why that wasn’t the case.” Big Bird leaned back in his expensive, ergonomic chair. “An eight-to-one vote meant I had to hire you.”
“Fine. So explain to me why the film is not good quality.”
“I screened the film after you left last night. The acting is subpar, particularly that Sookie Carter, plus she’s too fat. Your cinematographer can’t frame for shit, the stunts are less than riveting, and the script is a disaster. And don’t get me started on the military connections. I’ve made my opinion known on that from day one, so there’s no need to address it again.”
She pursed her lips, then sucked them back to her teeth. “You are full of shit, Stapleton. Each and every actor cast had the board’s approval. Sookie is absolutely perfect, according to every man I’ve ever seen or talked to. Every frame of film was given to you each day for viewing, so if you had concerns about anything with filming, you would have said immediately. Yes, the script was shit, but we fixed it, and that only happened because Tribe headed off the mess before we left for training. This all goes without saying that you picked the film in the first place, and allegedly, you have golden vision and can see a hit even with your eyes closed.”
“Well, apparently, when I was outvoted for the choice of director, I’ve now achieved my first failure.” He picked up a copy of the contract binder and threw it across his desk at her. “And after going through the final audit, I see I was correct to voice my displeasure. Weeks of unnecessary training at an exorbitant price, then your consultant up and left with no notice. At least that’s one budget line I won’t have to pay out since he violated the contract by leaving before finishing the job he was hired for.” He smiled. “His leaving must have broken your heart, Serrano. Got bored, did he? In all honesty, I’m surprised he stuck around as long as he did. Or was it so bad it wasn’t even worth the seven-digit fee?”
Kai stared at him with no expression on her face.
His false tirade continued. “Then let’s add to it the missing inventory. Overspending by replacing items that are ‘missing’ and attempts to cover up said missing inventory. And now, I hold here in my hand”—he lifted a manilla folder about a quarter of an inch thick—“sworn affidavits from several locals in Coxen Hole who identify you as the individual who approached them with an opportunity to sell said missing inventory on the local black market for cash.” He threw the folder across the desk at her as well.
“Finally, crew members were compromised by a food poisoning outbreak, and a stuntman could have died due to improperly verified safety procedures. All situations perpetrated by you to slow down production and allow you a cut of the insurance check when the film had to be scrapped.” Two more folders filled with papers landed on the pile. “Well, you’re going to get your wish on that last one, aren’t you? The losses will be heavy, but I think the studio will agree with my recommendation after they’ve seen the evidence I’ve compiled. We can’t put this piece of shit out there and ruin the reputation of the company.”
He steepled his fingers in front of his face. “All of this, of course, can be kept out of the press for now if you leave quietly and forfeit your fees. If you want a reference of any kind or a desire to work in this industry again, I suggest you leave this office right now without another word, clean out your shit, and be off the lot within an hour.”