Page 87 of Good Enough
He did not just say that. Oh, hell no!
Kai’s eyes opened wide, and her mouth gasped. “You asshole!”
“Time’s up.” He bent down, picked her up, threw her over his shoulder, and proceeded to smack her ass as he strode to their bedroom. She gave a shriek of indignation, but it had less power behind it than her tantrum originally had. “Keep squawking like that, and I’ll spank you again, brat.”
“You wouldn’t dare!”
He threw her down on the bed, then turned to close and lock the double doors. As he strode back to her, she scrambled to find purchase on the sheets but only ended up getting tangled in them since she refused to make the bed.
Well, fuck. Screwed now.
He pulled his shirt off over his head from behind, something that never failed to melt her to goo, and stood over her as he folded it. “Strip.” She swallowed hard. “I’m not going to ask again.”
“You didn’t ask, G.I. Joe,” she snarked.
He set his shirt on the dresser. “You’re right. I didn’t.”
And then he was on her.
His thumb made slow circles on the soft skin of her arm as he held her close. She was curled up into his side, head on his chest, her leg thrown over his, and her hand over his sternum, his other hand holding it there. He turned his head to kiss the crown of her head.
“Better?” he rumbled.
“Much,” she replied. “I should still be pissed at you.”
“You weren’t really pissed, you know.”
“No. I wasn’t,” she admitted. “How did you know?”
“Because I’ve never seen you afraid.” His eyes were glued to the ceiling. “But when Demon handed me that report, there was a moment where your eyes dilated as if you knew he was bringing me news that couldn’t wait. And it was a look I’ve never seen on your face before.”
“It was about Ka-Bar, wasn’t it?”
He deflected. “How did you know Demon was part of my team?”
She snorted. “No deal, Waters. What did the report say? Something about a dislocated shoulder? None of our stuntmen dislocated anything.” He lay in silence. She picked her head up, resting her chin on his pectoral. “Don’t keep secrets from me,” she begged.
He squeezed her hand. “Some things are need-to-know.”
“And if it’s about my brother, I do need to know. Please.”
He considered for a moment before relenting.
I’ve already broken rule number one. Might as well break another one.
“You know my teammate, Steel, was headed to Egypt.”
She nodded.
“He found where your brother was initially hiding. The ambassador, his friend, Jacques, at the embassy did some questionable things, so we followed up. It looks like he managed to meet up with your brother, possibly with an exit contact. Ka-Bar left a breadcrumb, which is what we’re trained to do. Steel was following the lead and ran into some trouble. He was injured.”
“The dislocated shoulder.”