Page 87 of Broken Rivalry
“I…” I sigh, leaning back on my chair. “You’re not angry? He’s the son of…” I stop talking as if his name alone would cause her pain.
“Oh, trust me, I know very well who his father is, but that boy is not his father, and…” She taps her finger on the table. “It’s easier to blame it all on Ethan’s father than the man I used to love.” She smiles. “Love is love, Poppy. Never be ashamed of who you love.”
“You knew it was him from the start, didn’t you?”
She nods, sipping her tea.
“I’m sorry, Mom. I should have been honest with you. Why didn’t you say anything?”
She shrugs. “Your brother told me. Billy was too young, but even though we never took James to the parties, he knew what Ethan looked like. And why didn’t I tell you?” She sips her tea. “It was not for me to tell you; you needed to come to it on your own.”
As relief washes over me, I feel my eyes start to prickle with tears. “I was scared, Mom. So scared to let you down, scared to disappoint you, but I love him so much. I tried to stay away. I really did.”
“Oh, my sweet girl! You could never disappoint me. Never!” Her eyes are shining with tears now. “You are my greatest achievement. You are brave and when we lost everything, you could have left us in our mess and found someone to help you, but you stayed, you worked, and you’ve put your life on hold for us, Poppy. It is far more than anyone else would have done.”
I lean to the side and hug her. “Oh, Mom, thank you! It would have broken my heart if I had to choose.”
She strokes my hair, her fingers soothing. “You’ll never have to choose, my love. Family is about understanding and acceptance. We’ve been through hell, and we’ve come out stronger. Ethan is a part of your life, and we’ll embrace him as we do all those who matter to our loved ones.”
The sound of footsteps interrupts our moment. Ethan appears in the doorway, a sheepish grin on his face. “The boys have officially kicked me out. Apparently, I’m not ‘cool’ enough to understand their gaming strategies.”
Mom grins, wiping away a stray tear from her eye. “Well, in that case, you can join us for some tea and cookies.”
Ethan’s eyes light up at the mention of cookies. “I never say no to cookies.”
We all settle around the kitchen table, the aroma of freshly baked cookies filling the air. As we chat and laugh, I can’t help but feel a warmth spread through me. The sight of my mother and Ethan, two of the most important people in my life, getting along so effortlessly is a dream come true.
Ethan reaches over, squeezing my hand under the table. I squeeze back, our fingers intertwining. It’s a simple gesture, but it speaks volumes. We’re in this together, and with the love and support of our newly built family, there’s nothing we can’t overcome.
The rest of the day passes in a blur of laughter, stories, birthday cakes, and presents. As the afternoon draws to a close and guests begin to leave, I feel a profound sense of gratitude. Life has thrown its fair share of challenges our way, but moments like these remind me of the beauty and resilience of love.
As we step outside, Ethan pulls me close, his voice a soft murmur. “Thank you for believing in us and letting me be part of your family.”
I lean into him, our fingers laced. “Always.” Together, I know we’re ready for whatever comes next.
Six months later
“And you’re dead!” I declare, triumphantly placing the remote on the floor.
James scowls. “I’m only fifteen.”
“That doesn’t change the rules. No mercy, remember?” I tease.
“I’m telling Pops.”
I raise an eyebrow, smirking. “Running to her? Very mature, James.”
His grin is swift. “She’d definitely give you a hard time for this, wouldn’t she?”
“Possibly,” I admit, thinking of Poppy’s playful chides. “But making up afterward? Totally worth it.”
He makes a gagging sound.
“You know what? I’ll take you to the house next week, and you can play Cole at FIFA. You’ll see how satisfying it is to make a grown man cry.”