Page 72 of Broken Hearts
“Whoa, let’s not get ahead of ourselves,” I say, but the idea isn’t entirely unappealing. A wedding with Cole… it’s a thought that I would need some time to get used to.
Poppy and Nessa exchange a look with a small smile. “The suspense is killing us…” Nessa says deadpan.
Looking at Poppy, I point to Nessa. “Don’t worry about drama. There will be some coming from this one soon. ‘Friends with benefits,’” I say, using quoting fingers.
She crosses her arms on her chest but says nothing. The conversation drifts to other things, but the topic of my sudden marriage is like an undercurrent, always there, just beneath the surface. It’s a new reality, one that I’m slowly starting to embrace, even if it’s with a healthy dose of trepidation.
Looking down at my scarred hand, I brush the raised skin. Now is the time to concentrate on my hand and start hoping again, and even if I’m not ready to admit it out loud, I am relieved to have him helping with this. I need his unwavering strength and determination because I’m not sure what the outcome will be, but I know it is going to be difficult.
Chapter 26
The meeting with my parents had gone better than I’d expected. Watching Eva and my mom hit it off was like watching a scene from a feel-good movie. As I park at the stadium, a sense of satisfaction fills me. It’s short-lived, though, as I check my phone and see a text from my dad. He wants to talk. Alone. I know this calm is just the eye of the storm.
Taking a deep breath, I dial his number. “Father?”
“Son, I have to admit, your wife is quite adorable,” he starts, and I can almost hear the “but” hanging in the air.
I frown, bracing myself. “Thanks, Dad. I think so too.”
“I am wondering… In your hasty marriage, did you think about getting a prenup signed?” There it is, the “but” I was waiting for.
I let out a sigh of frustration and resignation. “Here we go… No, we both know I didn’t.”
He’s silent for a moment, and I can almost picture him nodding solemnly. “Would she be willing to sign one now? I incidentally had one drafted.”
Incidentally, I snort internally.
Knowing Eva, she’d sign anything if she thought it would make things easier. But the thought of asking her to sign a prenup, especially now, sits like a stone in my stomach. “Knowing her, she would. Absolutely.” But I don’t want her to.
“Marvelous! I’ll get everything ready.”
“Yeah, and you know what we’ll do, Dad? Give me the one you signed with Mom, and we’ll copy it word for word. Deal?” The silence that follows is palpable. “Oh, wait… You don’t have one with Mom, do you?”
There’s a pause, and I can tell he’s weighing his words. “That’s different.”
I can’t help the bitterness that seeps into my tone. “How is that different, Dad? Mom wasn’t from a wealthy family, just like Eva. So how is that different? Is it because you knew Mom was the one?”
His voice is firmer now, a note of finality in it. “Cole, you know it’s not about that. It’s about protecting what we’ve built.”
I shake my head, though he can’t see me. “I’m not doing that to Eva. I won’t make her feel like she’s another business transaction.”
“Be reasonable.”
“Dad, I’m being more than reasonable. I’m being fair. I won’t ask her to sign a prenup. That’s final.”
The line goes quiet, and I know he’s displeased. But this is one area where I refuse to budge. She’s not a clause in a contract. She’s my wife, and I intend to treat her as such.
“Fine,” he finally says. “But be careful. Love doesn’t always last.”
His words hang heavy in the air as we end the call. I lean back in my seat, feeling defiance and unease. Love may not always last, but I’m determined to prove that ours will. We’re in this for the long haul. No prenups, no doubts. Just us, facing whatever comes our way together.
Exiting the car, I brace myself for the team meeting. The moment I step into the room, all chatter ceases, and the atmosphere turns eerily quiet.
“Hi?” I venture, breaking the silence.
“You’re married?” Peters blurts out, his tone a mix of disbelief and curiosity. I notice Ethan and Liam, both of them hanging on to my response.