Page 69 of Broken Desires
“You’re insane!”
Cole’s smirk grows wider. “I’ve been called worse.”
I play my final card. “I’ll tell Eva.”
His confidence falters for a moment, his mouth tightening in annoyance. “You know what? Do what you want.” He finally gives in, slapping the key into my hand. “But if you don’t watch it, you’re making a big mistake, and I’m washing my hands of it.”
“I’ll watch it! Don’t get your panties in a bunch.”
“I won’t. I go commando. See you later.” He chuckles before heading toward the door.
As he leaves, I’m left with the key in my hand and a mix of frustration and curiosity. Cole’s unorthodox methods might be maddening, but they have a way of getting under your skin, making you wonder what you’re missing. With a reluctant sigh, I admit to myself that I’ll be tuning in to DR1 in two hours, if only to ensure I’m not making a big mistake.
Chapter 23
“Everything is ready, Your Highness,” Hank informs me as the sound engineer fastens the microphone to my shirt. He scrutinizes my attire—dark jeans paired with a pale-blue dress shirt—before his lips press into a thin line of disapproval. “We still have a few minutes should you wish to change. We’re not going live until nine.”
I maintain a composed expression but subtly straighten my posture, a silent declaration of my stance. “Why would I? You said I need to show the people the king I am.”
Hank hesitates, clearly caught off guard by my defiance. “Well, yes, I did say that. But there’s still a certain decorum to be maintained and?—”
Interrupting him, I firmly assert my choice. “And I’ve decided this is kingly attire. Anything other than fashion requests from you, Hank?” My deliberate emphasis on his name signals my dwindling patience.
Caught off balance, Hank stutters a response. “I—Umm—Yes, of course. No, everything is in place. The questions have been vetted in advance; we have our own people with their social media accounts ready to ask the preapproved questions, and Mrs. Bille has been briefed on which questions need to be asked.”
Turning my attention to Anna Bille, I note her sitting across from my designated seat, a frown marring her features as she listens to one of the palace’s publicists while undergoing last-minute makeup touch-ups. Bille is a renowned figure in the news world and a household name across the country—she likely has little patience for the constrained nature of this candid interview.
The anticipation of shaking up this overly scripted event brings a mischievous smile to my face, hidden from view but very much present in my demeanor. “Anything else?” I inquire of Hank in a challenging tone.
“No, not really. You are ready,” he responds, clearly unaware of my full intentions.
I silently muse, More than you know, but simply nod and make my way to the set. Catching my brother’s eye, I give him a wink, his grin echoing my own excitement for the impending deviation from the script.
As I approach, Mrs. Bille rises swiftly to greet me. “Your Highness, thank you for agreeing to this interview.”
I nod in acknowledgment, gesturing for her to sit as I take my place. The moment before we go live is palpable with anticipation. “We’ll be live in four, three, two, one…” The producer’s countdown fades into silence, and Anna Bille transitions into her role with the ease of a seasoned professional.
“Welcome to Your Questions Tonight. I’m your host, Anna Bille, and I have the extreme honor of interviewing our new king, His Majesty King Alexander the Third. Your Majesty, thank you again for agreeing to sit down with me this evening.”
I return her greeting with a polite smile. “The honor is all mine, Anna.”
Out of the corner of my eye, I notice Hank finding his seat, unaware of the curveball I’m about to throw. Anna’s following words hint at the public’s interest. “I can say this interview is probably one of our most popular. We opened our social media feed thirty minutes ago and already have over a thousand questions.”
I offer her a confident smile, hoping it reaches Nessa if she’s watching, as I suspect. “I’m ready.”
“Perfect, so let’s begin,” Anna says, browsing through the tablet. “Okay, the first question is from Maria. First, my deepest sympathy for your loss. How are you adapting to your new role as king?”
I’m aware of the scripted response expected of me, but I choose honesty over rehearsed answers. “Thank you for your kind words, Maria. Honestly, it’s very difficult to fill the shoes my father left. He was a great king, and I’ll be frank—I’m learning as I go, hoping to do what’s right for my people and the legacy I must uphold.”
Anna Bille’s initial surprise gives way to a more relaxed posture, a sign she appreciates the candidness of my answer. Little does she know, this is just the beginning.
Moving on, Anna presents another question. “Next question is from Thomas. Are you going to continue your father’s efforts on the environment?”
The question nearly prompts an eye roll from me. It’s hard to imagine these are genuinely the burning questions on everyone’s mind about their young monarch.
“Hi Thomas,” I begin, pushing past my skepticism. “Yes, this initiative was not just my father’s; it was mine too. I worked very closely with him on all environmental matters. It’s something I fully intend to continue.”