Page 15 of Feral
Yannis’s face is blank. “What do they do with the blood?”
“Lots of things.” The sudden throb in my gums startles me. “Drink it, rub it on their skin. For some, just the process of extracting it is exciting.”
His lips part as he exhales slowly. “Oh.”
I clear my throat. “But there are lots of other things you could do. We have wait staff, and people in the back who keep the club tidy and stocked while patrons are here. We have dancers.”
Yannis chuckles. “Two left feet. I guess I could try waiting tables. Is it tips only?”
“No. We pay a wage per shift plus tips. Our guests are typically wealthy and will compensate you well.” I take a step closer. “But you need to know a few things before you start.”
He nods. “Okay.”
“Come. Let’s sit, and I’ll tell you all about the Lair experience.”
Chapter 6
Hale leads me to a small booth tucked toward the back of the club. There are people milling around, some of them slipping behind double doors to the rear of us. Since seeing Hale’s face, I’ve had a flutter in my stomach that feels like something between excitement and danger. Maybe it’s the overall moody atmosphere, or maybe it’s the way Hale looks at me like I’m the only person here.
His hand slides down my back, resting just above my ass, and I don’t hate it. I might even like it a little.
As soon as we sit, a short guy with wild bright pink hair appears, holding a tray. He must be wearing glitter on his body, since the light catches his shimmering skin. He’s wearing boy shorts and thigh high boots and nothing else.
“What can I get you and your guest, boss man?”
“I’ll have my usual.” Hale turns to me. “Would you like a drink?”
I nod, clearing the tightness in my throat. “Please. Whatever.”
“One house special, coming right up.”
“Thank you, Dev.”
The man—Dev, I suppose—hurries off, leaving us alone. Hale is staring at me, his eyes seemingly seeing beyond my face to my soul. Man, he’s intense.
“How was your day?” I ask. Stupid small talk, but it’s all I’ve got right now.
“Just fine. I slept in, went for a run around town, and then relaxed until it was time to come here. Outside of your interaction, how was yours?”
“About the same. I went for a run too. It’s so different from back home. I used to run along the roads where there was nothing in front of me but farms, animals, and the occasional tractor. It was peaceful but boring.”
“What a change the city must be.”
“Definitely. I’m hoping to get myself established here. I have a little brother who’s in college right now. When he graduates, I’d love to be able to offer him a place to land, you know? He could go to any city though.”
“You’re close to your brother?”
I nod. “Pretty close. We have a big age difference ’cause my mom married his dad when I was ten. He’s almost twelve years younger.”
“And how old are you?”
I scrunch my nose. “Thirty-four. I’ll be thirty-five soon and I wanted more for myself. I don’t know what that might be yet, but I have this…” I pause, searching my head for the words as I gesture wildly. “I’m not sure how to describe it, but it’s like there’s something inside me that wants to get out. Something bigger than who I’ve been so far.”
Hale nods. “Why did you pick New Onyx?”
I chuckle softly. “Funny story. I was all set on going west, maybe to LA or San Diego, but then one day I was in town picking up some supplies for my mom at the store. I checked out, got into my car, and noticed something in one of the bags. It was a travel magazine and the feature story was about New Onyx.”