Page 3 of Feral
I’ve adjusted to the structured order that keeps everything in harmony, aided by our new relaxed outlook on killing in the city, and I’ve done such a good job complying that unless provoked, I could almost forget I’m a vampire sometimes. Though last night’s kill went a long way to keeping the beast at bay for a while.
As grateful as I am that Yves and his coven found me, I didn’t know it would be such a transition to acclimate to a city as big and busy as New Onyx and a close-knit coven like his. I love it, I really do, but I still long for the wildness of my old life. Nights like these, the city feels like a shirt that’s too tight.
But the stars are beautiful tonight, and summer is in the air, teasing us with warm breezes and the scent of flowers. Perhaps my lingering humanity allows me to enjoy the change of seasons when most vampires seem oblivious. My brethren in the club downstairs are driven purely by lust, both for blood and flesh, but I’m still very much seduced by the world around me.
Gripping the railing, I lean over the edge, watching men and women enter the club, some mortal, most not, ready for a night of debauchery. Honestly, the idea of a vampire nightclub is a brilliant one, but then, everything Yves thinks of is. That man has saved my life in more ways than one.
After all the shit that went down a couple of years ago, things are different again, but the changes have been good. We lifted the veil that hid Lair from the public, but our powerful coven witch, Vivienne, created a ward to ensure that only those with a true taste for adventure and openness to the supernatural world will be attracted to find it.
I was nervous about the changes, but I have to admit it’s been good for me. The increased interaction with mortals has given me the confidence to immerse myself in society more, and with my newest proposal in the final stages of approval, I might soon have a new outlet for my bloodlust that doesn’t require me to use abilities I don’t want to use. A city as big and busy as New Onyx needs a donor program.
Feeling centered again, I slip back down to the main club, strutting through the space and checking on the clientele. Everywhere one looks is a hedonistic dream come true. Adventurous and often clueless mortals cling to dangerous vampires biding their time until they’re ready to bite. The inner workings of the club took a bit of time to understand, but it works well. Yves does his best to enforce the ‘no kill’ rule, but unfortunately it doesn’t always work. There are too many bloodlings who haven’t learned to control their intake, but better to learn here than out in the world. The last thing anyone needs is a renewed interest in vampire hunting. Been there. Not interested in a repeat.
“There you are, sexy.”
I turn to the owner of the voice behind me—a vampire named Ellis who’s been lurking around here the last few months.
“Hello, Ellis. Are you enjoying the evening?”
“I am now that I’ve found you.”
“Such a charmer. Do you have a drink?”
Ellis lifts his glass, his glowing green eyes focused on my face. “When are you going to give me what I really want?”
“Depends on what it is.”
Ellis, a small, petite man, practically wraps himself around me as he presses his chest to mine. I have to tilt my head down to keep eye contact now that he’s so close. He really is adorable with his light brown skin, curly blondish-brown hair, and full lips, but there’s something about his energy that is off-putting to me. He was only turned two years ago too, leaving us with nothing in common.
“You know the answer to that, Hale. Just a little romp with you.”
Chuckling, I tickle his chin. “Wouldn’t you rather indulge with a mortal who can feed you?”
“Oh, I’m sure you can feed me.” He drags his hand down my chest where my shirt opens. “I have a thing for older men.”
“That so? I’m not really sure you can handle me, little man.”
He pops his bottom lip at me, giving me puppy dog eyes before baring his fangs. “Only one way to find out.”
“You’re very cute, Ellis. Alluring too.”
He sighs. “But?”
“I’m working.”
“Very lame blow off. Try again.”
“The truth is I’m not ready. I have a lot of other things I’m working on.”
“Okay, but couldn’t you use a blow job?”
I chuckle again, carefully extricating myself from his grip. “Tell you what, when I’m ready, you’ll be the first to know.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Ellis rises on his toes and kisses my cheek. “I get it. I’m not your type.”
“I promise that’s not it. No one is my type right now.”
“Okay, sexy vampire. If you change your mind, you know where to find me.”