Page 58 of Feral
“Ready, boys?” Thorn asks.
“Ready,” Hale answers.
For the second time tonight, we exit the vehicle—silently this time. I hang close to Hale, who leads the group towards the building, but I’m blown away by how stealthily they move. We get to the front and are met with a dented metal door.
Hale glances at me before kicking the door straight off its hinges. I gasp, but I’m pulled into the space by his hand on my arm, clinging tightly to me. Immediately, men rush us with guns drawn. Hale shoves me behind him, but the five vampires don’t even slow down as they toss the armed men across the room, heading for the table in the center of the room stacked with money, firearms, and bags of drugs.
“What the fuck?!” A man jumps to his feet, and I recognize him.
“That’s Pippo.”
Thorn grabs him around the neck, slamming him onto a table on his back. Kyson grabs a smaller guy, pushing him to the ground and sitting on him while Bowie uses his suddenly long, sharp nails to slash through the chests of two men running at him. When I find Syn, he’s already got his teeth in someone’s neck.
“Where’s Vito?” Hale asks me. “Do you see him?”
I scan the room, noticing something moving in the corner. “Over there?”
Hale stomps in that direction, lifting the man by his throat into the air. It is Vito. He kicks and tugs on Hale’s arm, but Hale doesn’t budge.
“Hi, Vito,” I shout to get his attention.
He turns his head at me, narrowing his eyes. “You? How the fuck…?”
When Hale turns to face me, his eyes are glowing and his face is a mask of rage. My breath catches in my throat and my cock swells in my jeans. Holy fuck. He looks so damn sexy right now.
“This is the asshole who hurt you?” Hale asks, his voice so deep it rumbles through me.
“Shame on you, Vito,” Hale starts. “You fucked with the wrong guy today. Now, here’s how this is gonna go. You’re gonna tell me where to find your leader.”
“I ain’t telling you shit.”
Hale digs his nails into Vito’s neck, drawing blood and a painful groan from him. “You should reconsider your cooperation.”
“Nah, man.” He squirms. “You’ll just have to kill me. I’m a dead man anyway if I tell you.”
“Oh, you’re definitely dying tonight, but if you’re helpful, I’ll make it slightly less painful.” He lowers Vito down to his eye level. “But if you insist on resisting my request, I’ll make you bleed until you beg me for death.”
Yep. Definitely turned on right now.
“Fuck you, man.”
Hale sighs and shakes his head, then, surprisingly, he drops Vito, turning his back on him.
“What are you…?”
Hale winks at me, turning around just as Vito scrambles to his feet and takes off running. Hale, without even breathing hard, catches up in a flash, slamming Vito into the ground. I hurry over, still feeling the soreness in my body, but I’m not missing a second of this.
Vito crawls forward, gasping for air, and Hale lets him get a little way ahead before he follows, grabs him by the ankle, and lifts him effortlessly upside down. Vito looks terrified now, as it finally seems to hit him that he’s not dealing with an average man.
A gunshot rings through the air and I duck, covering my head.
“Fucker!” Hale growls, rubbing his shoulder where blood is slowly staining his shirt.
“Oh god, Hale.”