Page 43 of Bubblegum Pop
Shaking my head, I made sure the swirl of my blonde chignon was just right. It was the last performance of the week, and then I had two blissful fuck-free days before another seven-day stretch.
I really was living it up.
My dressing room was warm and cosy, and only two minutes away from the theatre where I was about to perform, and it was totally drenched in my scent.
I couldn’t believe I still had eight years left on my contract. It felt like I’d been doing this for a decade already. We had a leaving party last night for one of the girls who had reached the end of her contract. We all envied her, but we were happy for her as well. She’d done her time, and she deserved her freedom. I just wished my end wasn’t so far away.
Frowning, I ran my hands down my arms and nudged the gold bracelets studded with pink diamonds. Nothing I ever wore was mine. They liked to let me think I owned things so I would be more comfortable spreading my legs whenever they asked.
I sighed as I took a final look at myself. I was only twenty-two. There would be time to live my life when my contract ran out. But would I ever look this good?
Curvy calves, wide hips, fantastic breasts, and ass you could bounce a coin off of. A cute round face, eyelashes made for fluttering over baby blues, and a small button nose some of my clients loved to poke. Which annoyed the hell out of me, but, when they were paying six thousand for a night, I’d let them get away with whatever they wanted.
I hoped whoever won me tonight would be gentle. The past two nights, the alphas had been rough fuckers and my pussy still ached.
There was a knock at the door, and my eyes flicked to the clock. It was only eight-thirty. Someone usually came to collect me at eight-forty-five for the nine o’clock performance. But I loved a good distraction.
“Come in,” I called, turning to the door.
As it opened, I was met with the heady smell of mangos, and my back went straight up.
I swallowed my moan, relief flooding me as soon as Apollo appeared from behind the door.
“You’re early,” I said with a smile. I hadn’t seen him all day. If I was away from them for even an hour, I missed them; five hours and the craving kicked in; ten and I started pining. My alphas were the first thing I thought of in the morning, and the last picture in my mind as I drifted off at night.
He stepped inside the room, the left side of his lips hitching as he checked me out. “Shall I leave?” he asked. His soft voice sent shivers through me every time he spoke, especially when accompanied by a smile.
Apollo dressed in his usual black work suit; white shirt, black shoes, the slight bump on his right hip where he kept his taser. He’d taken alphas down with it before, and it made me so hot I slicked on stage in front of a hundred guests.
He kept his blonde hair cut short now. I wished he would grow it out again. It used to be exactly the right length, so smooth and silky when it brushed against my cheeks as he kissed my shoulders. I never forgot the night we shared together two years ago. It was the memory I replayed the most when guests were fucking me.
“Not at all,” I said, my lips curving into a sultry grin. “You know I always have time for you.”
Pleasure I usually kept hidden bloomed as he hit me with one of his serious looks. I loved and hated them. Because, when he looked at me like that, he always told me the truth. It didn’t matter how much I loved his honesty; it hurt more than his lies.
He stepped towards me. No matter how many times he’d done that over the years, my heart fluttered with excitement, wondering if this would be the day he cracked and took me.
Apollo smirked as he lifted a round Tupperware container filled with creamy pasta and placed it on the table next to the door. “Another midnight snack for you,” he said. “I added walnuts to the cheese sauce. Let me know what you think tomorrow.”
I moaned, my mouth instantly watering at the thought of the white sauce coating my tongue. If I didn’t work out every day, I’d be huge from the amount he fed me. I never wanted anything from the club kitchens, because none of their food could ever match up, especially when every container he handed smelled of mangoes. He knew how much I loved Italian food, and he even started making his own pasta for me.
Apollo’s energy shifted, heat rolling from him as he caught my needy whimper, and I gave him a wicked smile. “You don’t have to ask. You know I’ll devour every last drop and still ask you for more.”
“That’s exactly what I was hoping,” he hummed as he moved closer, his scent growing stronger with each step.
I leant back against the make-up counter, pressing out my chest. His eyes lightly danced over my body before meeting my gaze with amusement.
“Why did you want to see me, Apollo?” I asked, my voice low, bending my hips back.
Without warning, he dropped to one knee. His fingers on the floor, he looked up at me with a grin. “So, so many reasons,” he said, reaching out and gently wrapping his fingers around my ankle.
Biting back another moan, I quivered at his simple touch, sucking in a breath as his thumb brushed my shin as he stroked me.
“But… There’s something I have to tell you,” he said. His face shadowed, he lifted my leg, and I allowed him to lead my foot forward, resting it on top of his bent knee.
I was already distracted. Any contact with my alphas drove me crazy, and this was the most he’d given me for months. There were days when he might loosen up enough to stroke my arm or put his hand on my waist, but it had been years since he’d run his fingers along my calf like that.
I trembled as he fed a line up to my knee, digging his fingers in just perfectly as he eased forward.