Page 69 of Bubblegum Pop
He shot me again, a puff of air and a sharp sting to my neck.
This time, I went down.
I hit the floor hard, wheezing as my mind flashed back to the pub and my memories blurred with reality. I had failed again. I needed to protect them and, no matter how strong I was, I was powerless.
The last thing I saw were the scars on her feet and harsh eyes through the beta’s balaclava as they disappeared through the door.
I reached for her as everything went black. My voice hoarse, my breaths slow, I could only moan one word as the darkness took me:
Istretched as I woke up with a yawn, pushing my arms above my head. The sound of my shoulders cracking was so satisfying, especially knowing that they ached because I’d supported Candy so she could be fucked by my mate.
Reaching out for her, my eyes half-closed, a sleepy smile on my face. I wanted to pull her close to me. Even if she was caged by Zeus and Odin, I could find some way to bury between them so I could hold her tight.
I was met by a wall of solid muscle. The thick arm around my waist and hard cock poking into my back told me she definitely wasn’t cuddling me from behind.
Lifting my head, I tried not to wake them as I gently extracted myself from Zeus’s arms. Peace settled over me as my gaze landed on Candy, her face buried in Odin’s chest, both of them breathing softly together.
I was taken back to the first time I saw my pack like this. When everything felt simple, when we thought there might be a way to escape the contract.
I bent to pick up the clothes I’d dumped last night before climbing in next to her and feasting on her pussy. I was the only early-riser out of the four of us. I wanted them to wake up to a treat, and it was five a.m., so there was plenty of time to cook them breakfast.
The hosts didn’t have kitchens in their apartments. Their meals were always provided by the Club staff, but I could cook there when I asked.
I’d been fussing around in the main kitchens for at least half an hour. I usually cooked at home and brought it in for her. They were used to me sneaking meals to Candy during her heat as well. I would make sorbets and cakes of mango, passion fruit, and lemon, so she knew we were always with her.
I was preparing the last plate when it hit me.
Shock pounded through my body as Odin’s rage exploded. I doubled over, pain shooting through my ribs before he disappeared from the bond. I cried out in horror, falling forward, crashing into the plate of fruit and pastries in front of me.
“Apollo! What is it?” A chef was with me in a second.
“Call security,” I gasped, clutching the counter, my knees giving way under the sheer agony smashing through the bond.
I pushed through, searching for Odin, but nothing was there.
All I could do was heave myself up and drag myself along the edge of the counter, tears beading at the corners of my eyes.
“Send them to Candy’s rooms,” I rasped as the chef grabbed the phone on the wall that connected them directly to reception.
Fear flooded me as I kept trying to reach Odin.
It couldn’t happen again.
It wasn’t happening again.
I wheezed as I forced myself towards the door.
I couldn’t lose them.
The silence was deafening as I shoved through the double doors to the kitchens. It was only two flights of stairs and a long corridor. I could do it.
Growling, I pushed away the stabbing pain as I focused on the dark green carpet which marked the lower floor of the club.
Losing a mate was one of the most painful things someone could experience. Our minds and bodies were connected on such a deep level that to lose a member of the pack was to lose a part of yourself. And, for many, it led to weeks of insanity as they attempted to adjust to the loss. My mind was still functioning, and I had to believe he was alive.