Page 27 of Perfect Boy
Before I can ask her what the hell she means, her phone dings. She grabs it, her brows instantly pulling together, and I swear I see her eyes fill with tears.
This entire night, she’s been off. Her jokes are more like stabs. And it’s obvious that she’s hurting. I just have no idea what from. But if it’s her ex, I’m about at my wits’ end with that motherfucker.
“Everything all right?” I ask just as she sets her phone down.
“Yeah, it’s fine,” she grumbles. “My sister, it’s her thirteenth birthday today.” She gives a sarcastic smile. “She’s officially a teenager.”
I know that Ryann came here from Canada, so I’m sure it isn’t easy for her to get back home to visit. My parents are in Alabama, and that still seems so damn far away.
“And you’re missing her?” I guess. “Can’t be easy, being in a whole other country. Are y’all close?”
“Okay, Dr. Phil.” She rolls her eyes. “You’re not my shrink. Calm down.”
“Why do you do that?” I stop mid-sentence when the waitress drops our meals off, and we both thank her. But just as Ryann stabs her fork into her calzone, I hold my eyes to hers. “Why do you get so defensive when I’m just trying to make conversation with you?”
“Why bother making conversation with me?” She shakes her head. “What’s the point?”
“Because I want to.” I say the four words evenly. Because, well, they are the truth. I want to know her. I want to know everything about her. And I think the fact that she wants me to know absolutely nothing only fires that want even more.
She sets her fork down and sighs. “Look, Watson. Contrary to what I thought…you actually seem like a good guy.” She waves her hand toward my chest. “All squishy and warm in there. But what happened between us was just a natural thing. I needed a release, and your hands were on my bod. Bam, some closet sex was born.” She stops, inhaling. “Nothing is going to transpire between us. I need you to know that. We can dance together. And sometimes, if you want to chill like we are right now, that’s fine. But that’s it. You don’t own me. You’ll never own me. So, please, stop looking at me the way that you do.”
“I don’t want to own you, Ryann,” I mutter. “I’m just trying to be your friend.”
“Friends don’t do what we did in closets. And they don’t flirt or say filthy things during dinner. So, let’s get better at this friend stuff from here on out, yeah?” She gives me a questionable look.
It’s not the answer I want, but I guess, for now, it’s the answer I need to accept.
“So, if we’re just friends, why are you so weird about opening up to me? You’d tell Sutton about your life and things that are bothering you, wouldn’t you?”
She laughs lightly, so lightly that I barely hear it. “You’d be surprised by how much I don’t share with Sutton. Or anyone for that matter.” When she sees the surprise on my face, she continues, “I love Sutton. Like, totally love and adore her. But some things are just better left unsaid. I’m not going to complicate everyone else’s life by sharing my shit.” She shakes her head. “There’s no point in dragging others into my mess.”
By now, I’m so fucking confused about what she’s even talking about. But the last thing I want to do is freak her out by showing it. So, instead, I grab a slice of pizza and bring it to my mouth.
Before she opens up to me, she needs to trust me first. I’ll get to know her; it’s just going to take time.
Unlucky for her, time is all I have.
“All right,” I mutter. “You don’t have to tell me anything. But I’ll tell you whatever you want to know.”
Her eyes narrow, almost in a testing way, like she doesn’t believe me. “Whatever I want to know? Like…sky is the limit?”
“Yep.” I nod. “Do your worst.”
“Where are you from? You have a Southern accent, but it’s different from the people I’ve met who are from here in Georgia.”
“Alabama.” I take a sip from my soda. “Born and raised.”
“Does that make you a cowboy?” she asks, giving me an amused grin.
“I grew up on a farm, and my family always had some horses. My brothers and I grew up riding them.” I shrug. “So, yeah, I guess it does.”
“Riley—my little sister—loves horses.” She sighs. “I’m terrified of them.”
“Why’s that?” I ask, trying not to seem too interested. She seems to hate when I care too much.
She finishes chewing her food, wiping her mouth with a napkin. “Because they are ginormous. And strong. And…scary.”
“They are also really beautiful, intelligent creatures.” I inhale, debating my next words before they come out. “You should go back home with me sometime; I’ll teach you how to ride one. I’ll put you on Daisy. She’s the sweetest, laziest horse we have.” I laugh. “Besides, she’s so chunky that I don’t think she could possibly throw you off.”