Page 34 of Perfect Boy
“You are judging, but it’s fine.” She shrugs her shoulders. “Unless you grew up so poor that you had to steal dinner for your family or were taught to dine and dash by your own mom…you don’t get a say. I do what I need to do to survive. And I’ll do it again when it comes time to go back to living with my mother. That’s life.”
“I’m sorry.” Two words—that’s all I can bring my mouth to say. I don’t have any answers for her. There’s no way I can help.
Glancing at the clock, she quickly scurries off of me. “The next group is going to be here in less than ten minutes. Let’s run through it one more time from the top.”
As she smooths her hair, I look up at her. “Ryann—”
“Get up. Let’s dance.” She walks to the center of the floor, standing taller. “We had a nice moment. I told you a secret. Now, please, don’t ruin it.” When I simply stare at her, she tilts her chin up and straightens herself out. “I will be fine. I always am.”
I don’t want her to just be fine.
And I sure as fuck don’t want her leaving the country.
“I’ll see you at rehearsal at the end of the week,” I call out, hiking my bag over my shoulder and hightailing it to my car. Hoping like hell I’m still here by the end of the week.
My boss said it would be weeks before I heard from the immigration office. But who really knows?
“Ryann, wait.” Watson comes jogging behind me, grabbing my elbow and spinning me around.
Tugging me against him, he wraps his arms around me in the warmest hug.
“It’s going to be all right,” his deep voice mumbles against my forehead. “I promise.”
Involuntarily, I suck in a breath. My lungs burn, and my eyes sting with tears threatening to spill out. My mom isn’t a bad person. But affection never really was her thing. I can’t remember a time when another human being pulled me against them and told me everything would be okay. Emotions flood through me, but I keep myself under control. I’m just exhausted. And emotional. That’s all this is. It has absolutely nothing to do with the strong set of arms holding me close.
Not one bit.
I let myself bask in his hold for a moment longer before stepping back. “Have a good rest of your week. I’ll see you at rehearsal.”
He looks unsure. And, dare I say…worried.
But eventually, he gives me a slight nod. “See you then.”
Headed to my car, I feel his eyes on me still. The way he was looking at me in the studio, I could tell he desperately wanted to be able to say the right thing. Or help if he could. But he can’t. Besides, we aren’t even friends.
I think honesty is the way to go on this one. Play the part of the poor little girl who did what she had to do to survive. I don’t have to play it; it’s who I am. So, that’s what I’ll do. Once the dance fundraiser is over, I’m going to go straight to the United States immigration office and admit what I did. And beg for a second chance.
God, I hope they’ll grant me it.
There is nothing wrong with Canada. But Canada isn’t my dream. New York City is. A better life for me and my sister. Being able to provide for her in a way my mom can’t.
I messed up. But I’m ready to make it right.
“For the love of all things, please, no one pull a muscle,” Jolene shouts, pointing to all the dancers. “We’re days away from the biggest fundraiser we’ve ever done. Everything needs to go perfectly! Not to mention The Nutcracker for those of you who were cast.” Her eyes sweep across all of us once more. “Now. Is. Not. The. Time. For. Mess-ups!”
“Famous last words,” Sutton mutters, looking like she’s been run over by a car.
The bags under her eyes are hard not to notice. And she’s grumpier than usual. I guess that’s what happens when you fake date your enemy and end up falling in love.
They’ll work it out. I hope.
I hide a yawn, not wanting Jolene to yell at me for not getting enough rest. I was up way too late last night, researching this whole deportation crap. Even reading stories. And I’ll admit…I sort of wish I hadn’t done that.