Page 46 of Perfect Boy
That only makes me laugh harder, but there’s something about the interaction that also makes me feel warm inside. It shouldn’t. There’s nothing real between us, but I can’t help but feel something.
“I need to shower and change my clothes.” I look down at the baggie T-shirt and huge sweatpants he let me borrow last night. “I look like I’m about to mug someone.”
“Hey, you know what?” he says, jumping up and walking toward a small closet. “I got these for my mom the other day, but I haven’t seen her to give them to her. Take them, Tiny Dancer.” He holds out a pair of black joggers with Wolves written down one leg.
“No, no,” I say, quickly shaking my head. “I don’t want to take your mom’s gift.” I can’t help but laugh, snorting a little bit. “I love that you bought your mother sweatpants.”
“What can I say? I love my mom. And she loves Wolves gear.” He holds them closer to me. “Take them, Ryann. I’ll grab her another pair sometime.”
When he widens his eyes, I know he’s not going to give up, so I take them from him. “Thank you, Watson. I feel like all I’ve been doing is thanking you lately. You’re too nice to me.”
“My dad lived by the motto, Happy wife, happy life,” he tosses back. “Then again, he sure pissed my mom off a lot. He loved to buy old cars he’d claim he was going to restore, but we all knew he never would.” He shakes his head. “Loved bringing home stray animals too. Just another thing she said made her mad, but deep down, she loved all the pitiful animals he lugged home.”
I could listen to him talk about his father for hours. There’s so much love there. Same with when he speaks about his mother.
“It sounds like he was a pretty cool man.” I smile. I want to say more. I want to tell him I’m sorry and that he must miss him so much. But since I suck at feelings and talking about them in general, I don’t. “And your mom, she sounds amazing.”
“He was.” He nods. “And, yeah, she sure is,” he says as he heads toward his dresser. Reaching around, he pulls out a sweatshirt and tosses it to me. “This is way too small for me. I’ve had it since I was fifteen. My parents brought me here to a hockey game, and by the end of it, I was so obsessed with the team that I made them stop at the gift shop before we left that night. It’s a little worn out, and it’ll be a little big, sure. But it’ll work.”
“Are you sure you want me to have it?” I whisper, truly touched that he’s offering it to me. “I mean…if you’ve kept it this long, it must mean something to you.”
“I’m sure. What kind of husband would I be if I didn’t make sure my wife was warm? Besides, it’ll look better on you anyway.” He grins.
“Thank you.” I chew the inside of my cheek. “What was your first pet? I mean, I know your dad brought home strays and all.” I blurt the words out.
By the look on his face, I instantly know he’s confused, but even so, he answers, “Muffin. She was a yellow Lab. We got her when I was two.” His eyes crinkle at the sides a little as he smiles. “Why?”
“I was just curious, I guess. I don’t know. I suppose I thought it was something a married couple should know about each other. That’s all.”
“True.” He nods. “Well then, what was your first pet?”
“I’ve never had one,” I say with a shrug. “I did pretend I had a pet for all of fourth grade though. In my head, I’d make-believe I had a French bulldog. I’ve always wanted one since I was a kid.”
“Maybe one day, you will have one.” He smiles.
I avert my eyes to look around his room and not at him. Last night, I was too exhausted to do anything besides crash on his bed, so I didn’t investigate much.
It’s neat in here. Too neat, considering I’m a whole mess most of the time. I let my laundry pile up until I’m down to a few articles of clothing. A few framed pictures are scattered on his desk. One of him, Carson, and another guy I assume is Jameson because of how much he looks like the other two. And another of him, the two boys, a girl, and two adults who must be his parents.
I pick it up, not thinking. “This must be your family?”
Coming next to me, he nods. “Yep. Me, my sister, my brothers, and my mom and dad.” He elbows me lightly. “Or should I say, your in-laws?”
My eyes grow wide as I set the frame down. “Wow. Really weird when you put it like that.” I exhale. “So, what is your mom like? And your dad…what was he like?”
Plopping down at the edge of his bed, he watches me as I continue scanning his room. In an attempt to learn more about the man I married.
“My mom is the sweetest person you could ever meet. Until you cross her family.” He cringes while chuckling. “And then, wow, mama bear mode activated.” He shakes his head. “But she loves candles, reading, and her two cats, Waldo and Rocket. And my dad, he was the toughest dude I’d ever met. But when it came to my mom, he was the biggest softy.”
Suddenly, he pushes himself up off the bed. “I’ll get the shower running for you. Sometimes, it takes a minute for the water to heat up.”
Swallowing hoarsely, I follow behind him, holding tightly on to the clothes he gave me. When he heads into the bathroom, I stop in the doorway, pressing my back to the frame while he brings the shower to life. After a moment, he sticks his hand in before pulling it out and walking toward me.
“It’s warm.” He stops, standing in the doorway, facing me. His body is so close that my nerves begin buzzing.
There’s this…tension between us that I’m sure we both feel. And when his eyes float down to my lips, I feel my heart racing, and I swear I hear my blood pumping in my ears.
“Watson,” I whisper, barely hearing myself.