Page 63 of Perfect Boy
“Swallow me, Tiny Dancer.” I tremble, watching her throat work, doing as she’s told. “Good girl,” I whisper, pushing my dick down further. “Good. Fucking. Girl.”
And she swallows. Eagerly.
And, fuck, doesn’t she look beautiful while she stares up at me?
I’m so fucking gone for this girl.
Bringing my coffee to my lips, I take a long sip. Letting the hot liquid slide down my throat and make its way into my body to hopefully bring me back from the dead.
After our fight, Watson chained me to the bed—literally—and ate me like I was the first meal he’d seen in weeks. And it was the hottest thing I’d ever done in my life. Well, that was, until he straddled my face and put his length in my mouth. That might have been even hotter.
Obviously, orgasms don’t fix the crap we need to talk about. But it felt really good to just put a temporary Band-Aid over that shit for the time being.
But I know things are just going to get more complicated. And the more time that passes, the closer I am to someone showing up to investigate me. Or worse, haul me back across the border.
I have this ache in my gut. This feeling telling me that we’re going to get busted. And I’m going to get deported.
I yawn, feeling like a complete zombie. And I’m sure I look like one too.
But we drive along, pretending like everything is fine and normal. Because I don’t think either of us has the energy to talk about the hard things.
We both know there’s no silver lining. There are no magic words to make everything all better. It just…is what it is.
He continues to drive as we head back toward Brooks. We both have class later even though I’m seriously considering skipping mine.
“Will you see your family for Christmas?” he asks, turning the music down.
“Nah,” I mutter. “Riley has no way to get over here, and my mom…well, holidays have sort of always skipped her mind.” I shrug. “I sent some things for my sister, and my neighbor has been holding them until Christmas morning.” I chew my lip. “Maybe things will be better for Riley this year though. She thinks my mom is doing better. Apparently, she met some guy a month ago, and Riley seems to think he’s decent.”
“You don’t sound convinced.” He states the obvious—my voice must have given it away. “Why is that?”
“You’re telling me the woman has dated scumbags her entire life, and now, suddenly, she actually chooses a good human?” I set my coffee in the holder. “I don’t know. I just don’t buy it, I guess. But for my sister’s sake, I really do hope it’s true. Riley deserves that.”
“Yeah, I don’t blame you there. Sometimes, people can change though, right?”
He offers me a tiny smile, and I attempt to nod, but it’s hard. I don’t trust anything my mom is serving.
“What about you? Is Christmas tough for you all now that your dad is gone?” I ask softly. “That must be so hard for your mom. She must miss him so much around the holidays.”
“She does,” he answers, keeping his voice soft. “But we have made our own traditions, I guess you could say. And we try to keep Mom busy so that she can’t be sad.”
Before I can answer, my phone starts going ballistic from text message alerts. Glancing toward me, Watson frowns as I grab my phone from my bag.
“Everything all right?” he utters, and I notice his grip on the steering wheel tightens a bit.
Squinting toward the screen, I read the messages from Poppy one by one as they continue to roll in.
Poppy: Some dude was just here, looking for you. He was terrifying, I’m not going to lie.
Poppy: He was asking me where you were. He even asked me about Watson and if Watson lived here too. I got nervous. I heard a rumor. A rumor about the two of you getting married. And it’s clear you two have been spending time together. What kind of mess are you in, Ryann?
Poppy: By the way, I told him I wasn’t saying anything. I told him it isn’t my place to tell and that I’m not getting dragged into it. I think it bought you some time. I hope anyway.
Me: Thanks for covering for me. I’ll be home in an hour. I’ll explain everything then.