Page 67 of Perfect Boy
But when his gaze sweeps back to me, it scares the absolute shit out of me, and the image of the adorable elf disappears from my mind. If his job is trained to crack people, he’s damn good at it. One icy stare from him has me all but blurting out the truth and begging for forgiveness. But when Watson’s hand squeezes my own, I relax enough to keep my mouth shut.
“What can we help you with, Officer Hewett?” Watson chimes like he’s the happiest guy in the world, not nervous at all in this moment—even though I know he’s worried, judging by his clammy palm.
“Your wife is here illegally. At least, she was before she suddenly married a US citizen,” Officer Hewett says, completely unfazed. “And even though she is now married to you, a US citizen, I’m not really buying your story, given the timeline of things.”
Watson laughs, looking from Kirby and down to me. “Our story?” He shakes his head, still grinning. With his attention on Kirby, he stands taller. “Tell me, Officer Hewett, what’s our story? With all due respect, I’m dying to know.”
“Miss Denver found out last month that in a routine audit, it had been discovered that her visa was forged.” He looks down at his paper, pointing to a date. “And then, miraculously, two days later, she’s suddenly a married woman.” He looks up at Watson, holding his gaze. “Quite a whirlwind, wouldn’t you say?”
“First off, it’s Mrs. Gentry,” Watson says boldly. “Second, are you trying to insinuate my marriage is a fraud?” Watson spews the words sarcastically, and they are laced with venom too. Nodding down at Officer Hewett’s finger, where a gold band looks like it’s cutting off the circulation, he tilts his head to the side. “Because, I have to say, married man to married man…not cool.”
“I’m glad you find this so entertaining, Mr. Gentry,” Officer Hewett coos.
He’s one of those people I genuinely can’t figure out. One second, he seems sort of nice. The next, a dick.
“But I assure you, this isn’t a joking matter. This story isn’t adding up. And your wife will likely be deported in the next few weeks.”
“Well, I promise you, our story will add up. We have nothing to hide,” Watson says, tipping his chin up in defiance. “I can promise you that. So, dig all you want. You aren’t going to find what you’re looking for. Not with us.”
“So, you won’t mind if I look around then?” he replies with a smirk. “For a…routine evaluation of the place.” He shrugs. “Shouldn’t be a big deal now that you’re married and all. I’m sure there’s plenty of proof, right?”
“Go right ahead.” Watson shrugs.
“Yes, sir,” I squeak. “I’ll show you our room.”
As he follows close behind me, all I hear is the sound of my heart pounding in my ears.
It’s so hot in here. Is it hot in here? God, someone must have turned up the heat.
Pushing my door open, I hold my arm out. “Help yourself.”
And even though I didn’t really have the photo printed and framed in case this happened…I’m really glad I did it because maybe it’ll save our ass.
“Watson, you heard him. He’s going to be back. And we’ll never know when,” Ryann whispers against my chest. “He won’t stop until I’m back in Canada. I know it.”
“I think it’s an act,” I say. “He has to act scary because that’s his job. He can’t be a marshmallow; that wouldn’t be any good.” I tuck her closer into my side, trying my best to make her feel better or somehow ease her nerves. “I’m not going to let him or anyone else take you anywhere, Tiny Dancer. That’s a promise.
“Christmas is next week,” I murmur against her hair. “I know you have your big performance this weekend, and your schedule has been crazy with that, but it would mean a lot to me if you came home with me. Mom would love it. And you can meet the rest of my family.”
Her entire body tenses. “Oh…I…I don’t want to intrude.” She gently shakes her head against me. “Really, I’ll be fine here. But you should go.”
“If you don’t go, I’m not going.” I look up at the ceiling, rolling my eyes at how fucking stubborn she is. “So, the choice is yours. You can spend Christmas with me here, just the two of us. Or we can go to Alabama, and you can meet my family.” I poke her side. “Maybe take a few pictures to shove in fuckface Kirby’s face.”
She flips over to look up at me, resting her chin on my chest. “Are you sure you want me there? Christmas should be spent with family, you know?”
“Ryann, you are my family,” I say matter-of-factly. “And I don’t want to spend Christmas without you.”
She’s deep in thought, but finally, she smiles. “Okay. Yeah. I’ll come home with you.”
Pulling her upward, I bring her mouth to mine and kiss her. My cock quickly hardens, just like it always does when it comes to her.
And I wish Officer Kirby fucking Hewett could see us now. Because this shit is far from fake.
And if he needs to watch me fuck my wife to realize that, so be it.