Page 77 of Perfect Boy
Officer Hewett: Hello, I understand it’s unorthodox to be in contact the night before Christmas, but I’ve been left no choice. It’s imperative that you call me ASAP.
It’s after eight thirty at night. I have no idea what can’t wait until I return to Brooks. A part of me wants to ignore the message. Maybe if I ignore it…it’ll go away.
Yeah, right. More like you’ll go away in the back of a cop car.
We just got back home a few minutes ago, and Jeanine rushed inside to get the board games ready. Apparently, it’s another tradition of theirs.
On the drive home, she finally started to warm up to the idea of us. Though she still hasn’t mentioned the whole marriage thing. But maybe it was seeing us together. Perhaps it was Watson’s private chat with her. I don’t know. But whatever it was, I’m thankful for it.
“I’ve got to make a quick call to my sister.” I smile. “I’ll be back out in a few.”
“’Kay, babe. Hurry along so I can kick your ass.” Pressing a kiss to my forehead, Watson heads toward the table where everyone has now gathered. Turning around, he winks. “You’re going down.”
Though I grin at his playfulness, I can’t stop the feeling of dread that’s filling my body, knowing what phone call I actually have to make. If Officer Hewett needs to talk to me on Christmas Eve, it can’t be good.
Walking into Watson’s room, I close the door behind me and sit on the edge of the bed. Bringing Officer Hewett’s contact up on my screen, I hit the Call button.
“Hello, Miss Denver,” he answers on the second ring. “Merry Christmas Eve.”
I roll my eyes. “It’s Mrs. Gentry actually,” I correct him.
“I’m going to get straight to it. Despite how you feel about me, I’m not a complete monster. And while I think your marriage is a sham and I believe you wrongfully came into the United States and need to return to Canada, I don’t believe the man you claim is your husband deserves to be brought down with you.”
That has me sitting up straighter, my heart lurching into my throat. “What do you mean? Why would he get brought down?”
“Ryann…your visa was forged. Your marriage is fake. It’s time to pack your bags and go home.” He pauses. “Go home before you ruin that man’s life. Because from what I can see, he’s got a lot to lose.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I bite back. “We got married because we love each other.”
“No, you didn’t,” he says, completely unfazed. “You got married because you found out you were going to be deported, and you conned him into marrying you to save your own ass. The way I see it, you have two choices. One, you continue doing what you’re doing and fight tooth and nail—alongside Watson. You both get dragged to court, and it becomes an entire legal mess. Only for you to lose. You’ll be taken back to Canada immediately. And Mr. Gentry will stay here. He’ll be here, alone, facing criminal charges, and he’ll inevitably lose his spot not only at Brooks, but his future position in the NHL as well.”
There isn’t a cell in my body that can make me form a word. I’m just…numb. I’m not taking Watson down. He’s too good of a man for that. Everything he does, he does to make others happy. He’s selfless. And I refuse to ruin his life. Well, more than I already have.
“Two, and I personally really like this one,” he says, stopping for a second, “you confess to using Mr. Gentry to gain citizenship. Sign an annulment. And go home to Canada. Watson will likely come out with a slap on the wrist, and we’ll leave you alone. If you don’t try to illegally cross over to the US again, that is.”
The entire room spins. I feel like I’m going to be sick. I know what I have to do. I mean, what other choice do I have? It’s one thing to ruin my own future, but I’ll give up everything before I ruin his too.
“When?” I whisper. “When…when would I need to go back?”
“That’s another reason for my call. I just got word an hour ago that next Friday, at nine a.m., you’ll have a hearing.” He sighs. “And if it goes the way I think it’s going to go…you’ll be escorted back to the border after.”
“I’ll be there.” I sniffle. “I’ll do whatever I have to do. But Watson needs to be kept out of this.”
“Good choice,” he mutters. “Merry Christmas, Miss Denver.”
That time, I don’t bother to correct him that it’s Mrs. Gentry. Because soon, I won’t get the honor of having that last name.
And for a girl who didn’t think she even wanted to date a guy like Watson Gentry, my heart is breaking inside of my chest at the realization that, in no time, I won’t even get to be his wife.
“What if someone hears us?” Ryann says as I’m tearing her shirt over her head. “Your mom finally doesn’t hate me. I don’t want to disrespect her by…you know…in her house.”
“The only other bedroom on this side of the house is Carson’s. And as you can see, he isn’t here. My sister went to her house for the night, and I promise you, no one can hear us.”
Pushing her backward, I yank her jeans and thong off, throwing them to the side.
“All fours—now,” I demand, dragging my own shirt over my head. “You thought it was funny to tease me earlier with those doughnuts, but now…you can crawl to me and show me how sorry you are.”