Page 30 of One Hot Moment
When I wake up the next morning, for a moment, I can't believe last night actually happened. Until this week, I hadn't dated anyone, seriously or casually, in such a long time that I forgot what it feels like. I'm dating my assistant. That means we will need to fill out the paperwork today to comply with the company's policies on relationships at work.
For Tabitha Remington, I would even move into a tiny house.
And yes, I want my family to meet her.
I whistle a Johnny Cash song while I shower, shave, and get dressed for a day at the office. Never have I felt this good about going to work. I even do something I swore I would never do. I text Duane to ask him if he could pick me up half an hour early, but the time isn't the astonishing bit. No, I'm stunned because I voluntarily texted someone. I've hated text messaging ever since it first came on the scene.
Maybe I am evolving.
I'm still whistling when I climb into the backseat of the car. Duane glances at me over his shoulder and smirks. He also turns on a Johnny Cash album so we can both sing along to it. The ride to the office seems to take no time at all, and I know that's because of the woman who blew me a kiss last night. We make two stops before heading to the office.
As we park in the underground garage, I check my watch. "Thank you, Duane. We arrived right on time. Sorry I made you rise and shine even earlier than usual."
"Don't worry about it. Tabitha's worth it."
"Yes, she is."
I dance my way across the parking garage and into the lift. I don't stop dancing until the doors open on the sixth floor. Tabitha isn't at her desk yet. I know she always arrives fifteen minutes early, so I needed to be here even earlier than that. How else could I surprise her? To complete the surprise, though, I need to hide.
Yes, I creep into my own office and crawl under my desk. After this, I'll need a serious massage.
My watch tells me Tabitha should arrive at any moment.
I've just readjusted my position for the third time when I hear the lift door opening. My heart rate speeds up. Any moment, she will discover the first surprise.
She knocks on the door to my office. "Are you in there, Spencer?"
If she read my note, she should believe I'm not in here. But I suspect she's figured out I'm playing a trick on her. The note I left on her desk was meant to pique her curiosity.
"Spencer? Are you in there? If you don't speak up, I'll come in anyway."
That's the whole point of this exercise. I want her to come inside.
"Okay. Guess you're not here, so I might as well sit down at my desk and get started with today's tasks."
The sound of her moving about out there is a bit too audible. She's trying to trick me. Silence follows. After a moment or two, I hear her tapping on her computer keyboard. Then she stops.
Come on, Tabitha, you know you're dying to walk in here.
Footfalls. Coming closer.
She jiggles the knob, now sure that the door is unlocked. Tabitha eases the door open slowly. I can tell that thanks to the shadow it casts on the carpeting. She approaches the desk inch by inch until she finally stands close enough that I could wrap my hand around her ankle if I wanted. I would love to kiss the delicate curve of her arch, but that would spoil my plan. My incredibly silly plan. Tabitha has brought out sides of myself I never imagined were there.
She taps the toe of one shoe while making humming noises. "Where are you, Spencer? I bet you're actually in the car with Duane, laughing your asses off about the great trick you pulled on me." Her foot stops tapping. "Wait a minute. What is that?"
Ah, she finally discovered the clue I left for her.
Paper rustles. Then she sighs. "I've never been good at scavenger hunts. And your clues are too vague. 'Forget the jack in the box and free the Spence in the box'? If you're hiding in a box, it's not in this room."
She's too clever not to grasp the meaning of my clue.
"Ohhh," she says at last. "I think I know what this clue means. But I can't figure out where the Spence in the box is. In this room, for sure. You want me to find you, huh? Well, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't lock yourself in the file cabinet. You're too big to fit in there. That just leaves the bathroom."
Tabitha marches toward the bathroom. I hear the latch click as she opens that door. I am not in the loo, though.
She marches back to the desk. "Spence in the box... No, it couldn't be. You wouldn't hide there. You might get stuck."
I think she might've just realized where I am.