Page 44 of One Hot Moment
Connie and Barry escort us out of the house, then take off down a dirt path behind their home.
Tabitha claims my hand, leading me behind her parents' house and across the large clearing. I begin to get glimpses of other structures, though I can't decipher what I'm seeing yet. Tree branches are in the way. Sabrina rushes ahead of us, turning around to walk backwards. Why? I have no idea. If I'd thought Tabitha was a bit strange when I met her, she now seems like the sanest one in the family.
Sabrina glances at her sister, then studies me. "Do you have any siblings?"
"Yes. I have a brother, Kendall, and a sister, Bindy. Her full name is Belinda, but she prefers her nickname."
"Does your brother have a nickname too?"
"Well, sort of. I call him Kenny, but he hates that. His other names aren't the sort that I want to speak aloud."
Sabrina's brows hike up. "Oh, now you've got to tell me. Can't tease me with something that juicy and then drop the subject."
I haven't even told Tabitha about my brother's other names. Kendall would hate it if I shared that information with anyone. But Tabitha isn't just anyone. She's my girlfriend, and Sabrina is her sister, so...I'll be well in it if Kendall finds out what I've done. "If you promise never to divulge the secret to anyone else ever, then I'll tell you Kendall's other names."
Tabitha and Sabrina both stop walking. I stop too.
"Sure you want to violate your brotherly code?" Tabitha asks.
"Well, it's really not a secret anymore. My family knows, and so do my mates." I clear my throat. "Kendall's other names are all related to his former profession. He was known as Rod Thruster, Maverick of the Wild West End, King of the Pelvic Thrusts."
Both women freeze, their expression blank.
And then they both erupt in laughter. Their eyes even begin to water.
I strap my arms over my chest and shake my head until they settle down again. "I didn't invent those names, you know. I would prefer never to utter those words ever again or to discuss it."
Tabitha takes my hand. "I'm sorry, Spence. That was very rude of us."
Sabrina puckers her lips and studies me again. "What sort of job did your brother have?"
I wince and cover my eyes with one hand. "Kendall was a dancer at a male revue club."
"That means he was a stripper," Tabitha tells her sister. "I'm sure you understand what that means."
Sabrina's jaw drops. "A stripper? If he's as hot as you are, Spencer, I need to go to London to meet your brother."
"He is no longer a stripper. You'll be disappointed by his usual behavior. Kendall is slightly uptight."
Sabrina smirks at me. "Have you ever performed in a male revue show?"
"Absolutely not. No one needs to see my bare arse."
"I bet you'd be a great stripper."
Tabitha smacks her sister's arm. "Cut that out. Spencer doesn't want to discuss the stripper lifestyle with you."
Sabrina raises her hands. "Okay, sorry. You sure are protective of Spencer. Must be true love."
What I have with Tabitha is not love of any sort, not yet. I might've felt as if I might possibly be falling for her, but it's much too early to label it true love. Not sure I believe in that, anyway.
"Let's get moving, Sabrina," Tabitha says. "And walk the normal way this time. You're liable to smack your head into a tree branch."
"Yes, Mom, whatever you say."
The three of us continue strolling across the clearing, and at last, the trees part to reveal two tiny houses as well as a tiny shed. One house is painted pale pink, the other is a sunny yellow.
"Which house do you think is mine?" Tabitha asks. "This is a deal-breaker question. If you get it wrong, I'll have to dump you."