Page 48 of One Hot Moment
And he grins.
Then I fire off eight rounds in quick succession.
Spencer whips his head around to stare at me. "You hit the exact center of the target seven times. Your eighth shot only missed by a few millimeters."
My sister sets a hand on Spencer's shoulder. "Medal-winning markswoman, remember? Tabby has eyes like an eagle."
"She does have that regal air about her, like a golden eagle sitting atop a mountain." Spencer taps his chin. "Actually, she's more like Artemis, the Greek goddess who was a skilled archer."
"That's true. I guess Mom and Dad missed the mark when they named her Tabitha. She should've been Artemis." My sister smirks. "Then I could call her Artie."
I shove two fingers into my mouth and blow. My ear-piercing whistle finally convinces my sister and my boyfriend to stop discussing which animal or goddess I most resemble. "If you two are done, could we go back to Mom and Dad's place and eat something? My tummy is rumbling."
Sabrina seizes control of Spencer's arm. "Okay, Mr. Hotcakes, let's go. Tabby gets grumpy when her blood sugar drops."
"I am never grumpy, Bree. But you're behaving like a horny teenager."
Mom and Dad move between us, and Mom takes hold of Spencer's hand. "Come with us, dear. Our daughters might get into a catfight, and we wouldn't want you to be injured."
"She's joking," I tell Spencer. "But I am feeling oddly territorial about you."
His lips stretch into a self-satisfied smile. "Never in my life has any woman started a fight to defend my honor. Go on and have a row. It might be fun to watch."
Sabrina slings an arm across my shoulders and sighs. "Time to bury the hatchet, don't you think?"
"Fine by me. As long as you keep your grubby hands off my man."
Bree crosses her heart with one finger. "He's all yours, Tabs. Should we hug it out?"
I wrap my arms around Sabrina, and she throws hers around me. We slap each other's back, then separate.
Spencer is staring at me again. "You lot really are the most unusual family I've ever met."
I hook an arm around his waist and whisper, "But you kinda liked the idea of a catfight, didn't you? To a man, that's almost as sexy as two women getting it on."
"Perhaps," he murmurs. "But the only woman I want to see naked is you."
Mom and Dad lead our little congregation across the clearing to their house. My parents settle in on the sofa with Sabrina while Spence and I take the futon. We have a lively conversation about all sorts of things, from target shooting to the best restaurants in Asheville and, of course, England and Spencer's family.
"When is your brother getting married?" Mom asks.
"In ten days. I'll be flying home on the Friday before and then coming back to America the day after."
"That's not much time to be with your brother."
Spencer shrugs. "It's better than nothing. I won't be the best man, so my role in the ceremony isn't vital, anyway."
I turn toward him. "Why aren't you the best man? Kendall is your brother."
"Yes, but Hugh is like a brother to him too. Kendall essentially raised Hugh after his father passed away."
"But you're his actual brother. Did Kendall tell you he doesn't want you as his best man?"
"No, not in so many words."
I cross my arms over my chest. "In how many words did he say that?"