Page 56 of One Hot Moment
"Ooh, can we see a show at the club where your brother used to work?"
"It's called Bodacious Nights. I think the club is still in business."
We've just reached an intersection, and Barry has been stopped by a red light. Tabitha takes the opportunity to lean across the console and whisper into my ear. "You should get some tips from Kendall so you can give me a private striptease."
"You're determined, aren't you?" I murmur to her. "That's the second time you've suggested I should do that."
"I am dead serious. Think about it. You dancing for me, whipping off your clothes, doing pelvic thrusts... Damn, just picturing that in my mind makes me so hot for you."
"Maybe I should get a few tips from Kendall."
The light turns green, and I need to focus on the road again---and Barry's car, to make sure I don't miss a turn. Tabitha remains in her seat now, though I swear I can hear her sultry voice in my mind, urging me to give her a private striptease. I can't deny this woman anything she wants, but now isn't the right time.
As we approach the shop, I remember what Barry had told me before we left the homestead. He'd said I would need to park behind the shop, though it's not easy to see that from the road. Barry told me to follow his lead. So, I slow down enough that I won't miss it when he turns into the car park. I slide our vehicle into a slot and shut off the engine.
"We're here," I announce as if Tabby and Bree wouldn't notice that. "This car park is quite difficult to see from the street."
"It's a parking lot," Sabrina says, emphasizing the last two words. "I guess they call it a car park in England, huh?"
"Yes, we do. I still haven't fully acclimated to the American way of speaking and doing things."
Tabitha pats my arm. "That's okay, honey. You're doing great with acclimating to a new country. I hope I do as well when we go to England."
"Of course you will. You're a very clever woman." I glance into the backseat. "And so are you, Bree. You'll love my home city, and it will love you too. In fact, I predict you'll have a date for the wedding as soon as we arrive at Sommerleigh."
"There are single guys coming to the wedding?"
"Oh, yes. Shedloads of them."
I might have slightly exaggerated the number of single blokes in attendance, but I genuinely believe my mates and I---or more likely, their wives and girlfriends---can find someone to serve as Bree's date. She might even strike up a holiday romance.
Oh, bloody hell. Now I'm thinking about meddling in someone else's life. I've joined the cult. As we climb out of the car, I'm still mulling over that solitary thought.
Tabitha threads her fingers with mine. "What's up, Spence? You look miserable all of a sudden."
"Yeah," Sabrina concurs. "He does look bummed out. Maybe you should drag him into an alley and perk him up."
Her meaning is hard to misinterpret. She's suggesting that Tabitha should shag me in an alley.
"That won't be necessary," I assure Bree. "I was just thinking about the wedding, and I suddenly realized I was contemplating meddling in your life to find you a date for the festivities."
"Why is that a depressing idea? You must think nobody will want to date me."
"No, that isn't the issue." We've just reached the back door of the shop, where Barry and Connie are waiting. "You see, my mates back home, the ones who have wives, they like to meddle in other people's lives. They even started a club for that. It's called The American Wives Club."
"Why do Brits call their meddling club American?"
"Because most of my mates are married to Americans, like my brother, who is marrying Rachelle Buckholtz. She's from Missouri." I hesitate as I try to remember all the names of the women in the club. "Then there's Chelsea, Avery, Samantha, Siobhan, Maddie, Rika, Arden, and Elena. Derek Hahn is American as well, and he married a British billionaire, Diana Sangster."
"Why don't you like the American Wives Club? You're in love with my sister, after all. She's American, and you'll be getting hitched to her soon, for sure." Sabrina grins. "Then Tabby can join the club."
Barry chuckles. "Sounds like this club is unstoppable. Might as well give in, Spence."
"I am not even engaged yet. The club is rubbish, anyway. Probably a myth created by the Dixon brothers and their wives. They started the whole thing." As soon as I've said that, I realize I'm a liar---and I groan. "I'm a stupid wanker. Hugh Parrish told me all about how the club came to be, and it wasn't in England. It started in Scotland. Rory MacTaggart's American wife invented the American Wives Club. The British Branch came into being several years later. Can't believe that slipped my mind."
Tabitha hugs me. "You're stressed about Kendall and the wedding. We forgive you for being scatterbrained."
Sabrina, Barry, and Connie all concur. Bree tries to hug me, but she can't force Tabby to pull away.